Author Topic: Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls - the best anime ever  (Read 2098 times)

what's thi*HAS A HEART ATTACK*

I remember watching some of these awhile ago. The art style really improved at the end.
I know, right. It looks just like a real anime!

Also, Hitoshi-chan x rapist-chan forever~!

This is the best anime ever. Wonderful animation and extremely well-drawn.
So are you making fun of it, or something?
« Last Edit: March 16, 2012, 10:20:02 PM by Lord Tony² »

Lizzy are you posting poorly animated work so you can make your drawings from deviantart appeal better to the eyes?
i'm pretty sure that's not right at all

Well she said it's well drawn but it looks like a 5 year old drew it.

I figured she is being ironic.

She did the same thing in another topic she made where people post pictures of horrible images from deviantart.

i don't see how someone could think this is well-drawn so i'm assuming it's a joke

so is this like girl chan in paradise or

She did the same thing in another topic she made where people post pictures of horrible images from deviantart.
Actually, I've stated myself that, I know I'm no artist, but I know I am better than some of the 'artists' in that dA thread. And I'm a lot better than I used to be. I can show you a a picture I drew last month or so, and you can compare it to my old stuff. But, yeah, I have a lot to practice before I can come close to calling myself an artist.

And yeah, I'm just playing around, we all know it's horrible, but I'm pretty sure that's what SoapOpera46 was aiming for.

extremely well-drawn.

excuse me miss step into my optometry office please

Actually, I've stated myself that, I know I'm no artist, but I know I am better than some of the 'artists' in that dA thread. And I'm a lot better than I used to be. I can show you a a picture I drew last month or so, and you can compare it to my old stuff. But, yeah, I have a lot to practice before I can come close to calling myself an artist.

And yeah, I'm just playing around, we all know it's horrible, but I'm pretty sure that's what SoapOpera46 was aiming for.

Nice ego you have there. A true artist respects other people's artwork as they know everyone has different styles

excuse me miss step into my optometry office please
You're just jealous, because you don't have enough skillz to create an anime as good as Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls!

A person with an ego is someone who thinks they're the best at whatever it is that they're doing (or something like that). I know I'm not an artist, but some are just worse than me, I'm sorry but it's true. Not trying to be offensive here.

The Christmas Special is the best episode.

Dear loving god.

Jess (in Blockland) gave me a link to this long ago...
Worst experience ever. I wanted it to stop haunting me. I thought I could finally forget it, but no, here it is again.

Maybe I'm just not weeaboo enough.

Her loving boobs... are bigger than her head., I'm out.