Author Topic: Alyx Vance: COUNTRY PRIDE  (Read 39533 times)

Also don't get mad just because I chose to stick with hick life.

Never lived near enough to a city to learn anything from them so I learned from that little neighborhood.

I'll stick around for a bit longer till I find something to do.

I never hurt anyone so get over it.
maybe you can go go-karting with your cousin and get chased by the police and maybe go cow tipping and them beat up some punks who are messing with your family!

maybe you can go go-karting with your cousin and get chased by the police and maybe go cow tipping and them beat up some punks who are messing with your family!
Go-Karts gone
Hell nah! That stuffs not as fun as it is in GTA, it only gets your heart racing
Cows are awesome
Most my family moved.

I'm planning on getting a summer job so I won't be posting for a while once I get one. Its raining today so I can't.

maybe you can go go-karting with your cousin and get chased by the police and maybe go cow tipping and them beat up some punks who are messing with your family!

pie man


are you pie man?
Actually yes I am.
This is an alt... I failed at making myself better.
Well I did calm down over the time I wasn't on the forums.

He is, as well as Peavy.
Peavy is just my new name I changed to. I had Pie Man for so long I said forget it and changed it.

Actually yes I am.
This is an alt... I failed at making myself better.
Well I did calm down over the time I wasn't on the forums.

Peavy is just my new name I changed to. I had Pie Man for so long I said forget it and changed it.

The more you know :P

Yup I'm Pie Man.
Peavy22 is just what I changed my in game name to.
Alyx Vance in game has nothing to do with this forums account anymore.

Then the story thickens and then out of no wheres some hater pops in.

Then the story thickens and then out of no wheres some hater pops in.

this right here is the reason why some people think you're annoying.
you need to stop thinking litterally everybody on this forum hates you.

this right here is the reason why some people think you're annoying.
you need to stop thinking litterally everybody on this forum hates you.
I know that not everyone hates me. I was stating that I had a feeling someone who truly hates me was going to pop in and say something.