Author Topic: I've been recieving threatening messages over Youtube [Text wall warning]  (Read 1445 times)

On an anti-religion video, I made an undirected post about my opinion on how the bible has caused much injustice throughout history. A day later, I get this personal message:

Quote from: Youtube Inbox
Taking away womens rights with problem pregnancy? approximately 46 million abortions are performed every year, worldwide. Approximately 126,000 abortions are performed daily, worldwide. Approximately 45,600,000 were aborted in 1995. Thats not just problem pregnancys thats murder. There are more killed by abortion than in all wars combined. Its a proven statistic that 93 percent of all abortions are for social reasons, that is the child is not wanted or inconvenient or not the love they wanted. If you cant control your love drive, for humanity, at least stop killing the children and calling it morally right.
Taking away homoloveualls right to marry. The only reason most gays want marraige is for monetary gains. Marraige is paramount in reproduction, if it were not why would there be any reason for the government to be involved in regulating or rewarding it. It makes no sense at all for taxpayers to support priveleges for two people to simply live together unless it fosters homes and familys. That was and is the primary reason, otherwise its rediculous.
When 2 people have children one is normally needed to raise the child, or childcare is needed. That need makes it necessary for economic privilages. And the couple must have time an extra funds to build the home and provide the base. Why should I help to support 2 with my tax money , who are both able to work? If a gay person has children they can get deductions and tax breaks. If in fact the gay marraiges are instituted it will erode the funds necessary to feed the children of familys who need that support. That will in time destroy all tax breaks . the benefits, because the base reasons would cease to exist.
In fact gay marraige will cause more children to go hungry, so the gay partners can use the money. If you have no children, a gay couple allready has advantages over other married couples. Do you even have a clue how much it costs to feed, clothe and school a child?? Anyone who supports this situation is guilty of greed and a total lack of caring for others.
If you really read the Bible in any depth at all, you would see that what you call killings, were in defense of their own lives. The Hebrews were persecuted and killed by the Canaanites, and others.
The Bible condemned slavery starting in the first book after creation, Exodus 21,16, He who kidnaps a man, whether he sells him or he is found in his possession, shall surely be put to death. In other references manstealing was condemned also.
Slavery was never condoned in the Bible, and since slavery was ingrained into society,slaves had no rights . You forget that the Hebrews also were slaves, many in those times also. If you think slavery was accepted it misses the reality of the situation, it was tolerated because there was nothing else they could do. Rebellion was fruitless and would cause death and suffering. The rich slave owners had power and Hebrews were inconsequential to that.
Also there were no support systems, no food, no housing, no aid, no unemployment, and slavery was also the prison system, just as it still is today as per the 13th amendment`s words. A debtor system also,
Many sold themselves into slavery just to survive the times. In case you fail to understand those times, your not alone. many fail to see the reality of the situation then. It wasnt even illegal to kill your child until the first Christian ruler came into power centuries later.
The Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which brought an end to racial slavery in the U.S, does allow for just-title SERVITUDE to punish criminals: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. So in fact prisoners are in servitude just as in Biblical times.
The Hebrews actually instituted the first real changes in slavery, allowing slaves to be freed after 7 years and with help, that is unless the slaves did not want to leave. In fact some stayed, Where would they go? Out into a world without any support? And the armed forces could be called an indentured servitude also. For 4 years your obligated

And if you think somehow because we have laws against slavery , it has ended today. far from it, there are more slaves today then there were in those times. Also slavery can be compared to the drug trade today. We cannot stop the drug cartels, doubtful we ever will. Slavery and drugs are big money to those who control it. See the movie "Traffic" if you think thats wrong, it may open your eyes.

Do we condone drugs now, no, then why is it still so strong now? Get the point Sherlock, in those times they had even less control of the situation then we do now. And if you actually did some real research other than Atheist blogs, you would realize that slavery laws were brought by Christians who fought for those laws.

It took mankind thousands of years to develop enough sensitivity to free slaves, and even hundreds more years to bring racial prejudice to where we are now. What the hell are people thinking, even now when the claim religion has made things worse. Nothing is ever that simple. Obviously they have absolutely no understanding of the world in centuries past.

Everything is becoming corrupted, again Jesus was right about that. False prophets, and what can we trust?
Are we learning from our mistakes? yes , and No. Now we are destroying the planet, killing close to 50 million babys per year, and drugs and many colleges are polluting our childrens brain, instead of learning. They dont care about the kids, because again money is their bottom line.

The affluent countries are turning literally into stuff. I love science, always have, Science is wonderful ? But lets be realistic. Again we have corrupted that also. Science theory is falsifiable, thats why its theory, however if you watch Science channels they claim those theories like they are fact, and thats just lies. Comparable to preachers who claim to heal, and liars exist for monetary gain in both events.

We had religion for thousands of years, with no danger of destroying the world, however Science in the last century has been able to bring the world to the verge of destruction. So if you want to cry destruction of man, religion never had that power. Because man is basically corrupted he corrupts that along with everything. Jesus never said anything to corrupt man, but he did say man would corrupt all things. Christianity is not the problem, when man cannot live by Christ`s words.
Dont try to distort the truth, Put the blame where it belongs.

Have a great day

1. Abortion is murder and women shouldn't have the choice to abort.
2. Abortion causes more death then wars.
2. Homoloveuals want to be married for the money and not because they love each other.
2. Gay marriage makes kids die of hunger and supporting it makes you greedy.
3. Slavery is okay as long as it's governed by the bible.
4. Science is wonderful, but destroys the world.
5. Religion is better then science
6. We must live by the words of divine beings instead of ideals created through the scientific method.

I want to point out what he just said, but I'm wondering whether or not arguing with this guy (who is apparently 70) is completely futile. Discuss?

I died of laughter

that's all I can type as I'm stil laughing

This guy has wonderful moral values and I wish I can grow up to be just like him!!!! You should learn some respect that god teaches and listen to him. Amen to Jesus and gays are bad guys!

Youtube username?

If Narko gave out the username, chances are everyone will flood the person's inbox with stuff.

If Narko gave out the username, chances are everyone will flood the person's inbox with stuff.
Not me. I would of sent a well thought out message on why hes worng.

Read abortion part, thought, "I see where he's coming from."

The only reason most gays want marraige is for monetary gains.

Instantly facepalmed and stopped reading

These are made up facts.

I don't doubt that person just copied that message and pasted it into the inbox of everyone who made an anti-religion comment on that video

1. Abortion is murder and women shouldn't have the choice to abort.
2. Abortion causes more death then wars.
2. Homoloveuals want to be married for the money and not because they love each other.
2. Gay marriage makes kids die of hunger and supporting it makes you greedy.
3. Slavery is okay as long as it's governed by the bible.
4. Science is wonderful, but destroys the world.
5. Religion is better then science
6. We must live by the words of divine beings instead of ideals created through the scientific method.
1 and 2A: I dunno about abortion so...
2B: If they really want money, how are they getting it?
2C: This is the 2nd most idiotic thing he posted in your inbox. How can two homoloveuals marrying starve children?!
3: This takes the gold medal of idiotic inbox messages. Back before the Civil War, did the Northern states like the idea of slavery, even if they read the Bible?
4: You know, people can both be religious and scientific if they aren't mentally ill.
5: See above.
6: See #4.

typical elitist wall of lies
>preach about religion and why you're a terrible person
>have a great day

anyway, I don't see them complaining about finland
finland is the only country that you can walk into any supermarket and have an abortion

you see it's annoying when i see people completely flip out because someone doesn't have the same opinion anything that could have some sort of religious something tied to it as them

it's especially annoying when that something is science and the person says science is worthless and destructive to humanity

Jesus, what did you say to him?

Jesus, what did you say to him?
absolutely nothing directly to him

he just saw he had a view that he doesn't agree with and started being silly, basically

Jesus, what did you say to him?

The affluent countries are turning literally into stuff.
literally means actually or without exaggeration
that means this idiot's implying that countries are turning into actual dung
also he needs to switch turning and literally around
this guy has terrible grammar like most dumbasses