Author Topic: Earth 2.0 - Redux  (Read 55610 times)

The Dodecemvirate is requesting a secret meeting with the leader of Chardia to discuss the next course of action.

(PM me)
« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 07:54:39 PM by Firecycle »

in our darkest days

we must resort to MS Paint

The Dodecemvirate is requesting a secret meeting with the leader of Chardia to discuss the next course of action.

(PM me)

in our darkest days

we must resort to PowerPoint

The Dodecemvirate is requesting a secret meeting with the leader of Chardia to discuss the next course of action.

(PM me)


in our darkest days

we must resort to microsoft products

The Dodecemvirate is requesting a secret meeting with the leader of Chardia to discuss the next course of action.

(PM me)

The Dodecemvirate is requesting a secret meeting with the leader of Chardia to discuss the next course of action.

(PM me)
If you happen to have Steam, add me, so we can discuss from there, see you at the convention center.

Ok due to the world war out there, the meeting had been delayed. Tharsha invites leaders to enter the Commissariat of Foreign Affairs Chamber so we may begin our meeting.

We will begin when all are present.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 08:31:57 PM by Thar »

If you happen to have Steam, add me, so we can discuss from there, see you at the convention center.

I do not have steam, unfortunately.

As world leaders file into the Chamber, the meeting begins as a commissar takes the podium.

"We the Commissariat of Foreign and Domestic Affairs have called this meeting to discuss the current status of the people of Tharsha and their place on this world that the inhabitants have named 'Hera.' Ages ago, we left the world of Cerio after a long and bloody conflict among several alliances that battled and competed for world domination. Although much blood was spilled, many technological advancements were made along the way. Unfortunately, many of these were lost when we had to evacuate the planet for our own protection from both the human and alien races that we were in contact with.

This spawned mankind's greatest achievement: the mothership. It allowed us to travel the cosmos in isolation as we harvested resources from star systems, looking for a new home. It was here that we came in contact with the human colony of Terra. Apparently, like us, they also evacuated Cerio and decided to start anew. Paranoid of war that we experienced on the previous world, it was a unanimous decision by the people to remain in orbit to watch over the countries. Yet we still were pulled into the tides of war. After a catastrophic malfunction, the mothership crashed into the southern pole, but thanks to the generous efforts of the governments of the world, we were able to get back into orbit and depart shortly after.

Again we were alone and our population began to dwindle. We wandered aimlessly through the stars, looking again for a suitable home. It was during a warp jump to the next system that the anti-matter core malfunctioned, causing extensive damage to the engines and engineering bays. It was here that we dropped out of warp in your system and crashed into your planet. Your response was a gift from the creator himself. You tended our wounded and gave us the supplies we would need to survive. For this, Tharsha is forever in all of your debt.

But, were does this put us now? After much discussion and our current situation of depopulation and supply shortages, Tharsha has decided to stay among your peoples as a nation. We will claim the island we speak of as our own and we will do all we can to help not only our people, but mankind as a whole. We wish only the best intentions between all of our peoples. However, this display of violence has been noticed and as a result, we will not allow foreigners to enter our land unless for emergencies and through soon to be set up tourism agencies. Citizenship is not going to be granted. We will do all we can to keep our military and police forces inside our own borders unless there is reason to do otherwise that DIRECTLY threatens our existence.

Let it be known that we are a innovative, industrious and resourceful nation with an aptitude for scientific and human progress as well as the arts. We are not fighters. As such on behalf of my fellow commissars and the people of Tharsha, we say 'Thank you and may we forever live in prosperity.'"


We apologize for our previous hostilities and seek friendly relationships with Tharsha.

We are also giving a tribute of seven pounds of 24 carat gold.

We apologize for our previous hostilities and seek friendly relationships with Tharsha.

We are also giving a tribute of seven pounds of 24 carat gold.

We accept your apology, let this be a sign of our new relationship.

We would like to point out that New Italian citizens are fairly close descendants of The Communist Republic peoples from Cerio.

We can pull all forces that are being used as aid to the Tharshan people, assuming you want us to.
We also request that trade routes be founded with Tharsha.

We apologize for our previous hostilities and seek friendly relationships with Tharsha.

We are also giving a tribute of seven pounds of 24 carat gold.
How dare you offer gold of all the things they need to a country that you threatened to kill!

How dare you offer gold of all the things they need to a country that you threatened to kill!

We are willing to fulfill any need of the Thashian (?) people that it is in our power to fill.

Also, don't pretend to have the moral upper hand. I doubt you would object the same way if they lacked strategic value.

We would like to point out that New Italian citizens are fairly close descendants of The Communist Republic peoples from Cerio.

We can pull all forces that are being used as aid to the Tharshan people, assuming you want us to.
We also request that trade routes be founded with Tharsha.

How dare you offer gold of all the things they need to a country that you threatened to kill!

We accept trade with you.

We are willing to fulfill any need of the Thashian (?) people that it is in our power to fill.
You're Capital is destroyed, you won't be able to do anything for a while lol.