Municipal Airport (DOWNLOAD Available)

Author Topic: Municipal Airport (DOWNLOAD Available)  (Read 3820 times)


A small municipal airport I created for a download.
Built with one runway (18-36), Ramp, and small terminal.

Side note: Landing runway 18 & 36 using Visual Approach. And take off runway 18 and 35 (backtaxi for 36)


To install: take the files called “Municipal Airport.bls” and "Municipal Airport.jpg” and put in your slate saves folder!
« Last Edit: April 08, 2012, 01:05:49 PM by pepsimann »

Not bad, not bad at all.

Could you PM me that plane in the first pic? Looks pretty good.

I love you, I always wanted a free airport!!

the parking zone looks kinda odd...

Here's my OCD moment of the day,
on the second picture, either the yellow line isn't centered or the other markings aren't centered.

Here's my OCD moment of the day,
on the second picture, either the yellow line isn't centered or the other markings aren't centered.

Whoops, I need to fix that. Thank you for pointing that error out.

move the planes that are parked it looks weird. turn the to the one side

and add some hangars maybe :3

and add some hangars maybe :3

This is just a quick, small, municipal airport. I am thinking about making a larger one, with hangers some time soon in the future.

turn the to the one side


turn them to the one side* forgot the m lol

the planes i mean

Well thats just one way that the planes can be positioned on the ramp.

I chose to do that style at this airport.

Example Pic:

A little too simple, seems a little rushed. I like the runway. I should have some buildings/terminals around it

A little too simple, seems a little rushed. I like the runway. I should have some buildings/terminals around it

Well I tried to keep it simple since it was built for downloads.