Author Topic: Mech Warrior Chicken thing  (Read 3368 times)

It's a Mech Warrior... chicken... thing. It took me a couple hours to build.

Feel free to rate.

Looks sick. Dislike the lack of different colours but I LOVE the position it's in. From what I've seen, the position is unique. 9/10!

Reminds me of Chromehounds, anywase, nice build. 7/10

Cool! I like it, but it does need color. It looks like a little terminator thingy that jumped into your kitchen and runs around shooting at you. Creepy.

I sense a disturbance... the return of the mechs is near....


Once again, an awesome build by Muffinmix!

Keep up the good work!

i like how its hanging on :D


It defies gravity...effectively pandaing Newton.

I never used to like mechs built on blockland because they were all streched, i like this one for some reason, 8.5/10

wait a sec...OMG that server was open for over 45 hours

Looks like a Turret more then a Mech...

Looks sick. Dislike the lack of different colours but I LOVE the position it's in. From what I've seen, the position is unique. 9/10!

It's black, my favorite color  :cookieMonster:

Although, I could've added a bit more colored detail to it.

wait a sec...OMG that server was open for over 45 hours

It's the Goon's server. It's ALWAYS on.