Author Topic: Read-only files  (Read 1052 times)

So, many people think it's 'breaking the game' if you replace the ugly textures with others and make them read-only so the launcher doesn't override them. Instead they assume to use this stupid user content alpha. Wtf. Nothing will be broken if you replace textures.


The reason people think that is because Badspot has said it may break the game.

And since Badspot has played a pretty big part in making the game, it makes sense to listen to him more than a guy who realised you can circumvent the launcher's auto-fix-stuff abilities to modify the game in ways you were probably never intended to in the first place.

The main fact is that it actually breaks NOTHING (if you do it right).

The main fact is that it actually breaks NOTHING (if you do it right).
as of now, it may in the future apparently.

when you think about it, the entire point is to break something in your favour

So, update comes in, you make a safe copy of your files and remove them so new ones can come...
If your game does not work anymore after update you know you have to do that (if you're not a Blockhead)

Shadows and shaders update, doesn't that change the brick textures to work with the new lighting or something?

Either way, when something changes, you wont have it.

Shadows and shaders update, doesn't that change the brick textures to work with the new lighting or something?
yeah, in v21 the white lines in the current default textures will be specular highlights or something like that.

If you do that, you WILL forget up the game.  What's going to happen is I'm going to have to make an update to one of the default add-ons and it's not going to work and everyone is going to blame me when it is really 100% your dumbass fault.  All I want to be able to do is update my own goddamn loving addons and friends like you ruin it all because you can't be bothered to learn how to program stuff properly.  Go ahead and do it but don't be surprised when future versions of the game tell you to forget off because your files are read-only. 

You can remove them when an update comes... wait there are hidden updates like the christmas thing

You can remove them when an update comes... wait there are hidden updates like the christmas thing
you seem to be missing the entier poiNT

You can remove them when an update comes... wait there are hidden updates like the christmas thing
The major problem is you telling people to make files read-only.

It's their decision to or not do and they decide whether they forget up stuff or not...

It's their decision to or not do and they decide whether they forget up stuff or not...
Except there's no warning of any consequences when you tell them to do it, till someone like me comes in, and then you throw a fit.

I'm assuming that people know wich files to replace...