
Did you sign the petition? (Reread the first post)

Yes because it is a violation of the constitution
41 (50%)
Yes(other reason) [State below]
1 (1.2%)
No because while it is a violation, this petition won't do anything
20 (24.4%)
No (other reason) [State below]
20 (24.4%)

Total Members Voted: 82

Author Topic: "Remove "In God we trust" from legal tender" Petition on Whitehouse.gov  (Read 23673 times)

A while ago the government started up this petition submission thing on their website. Any petition that manages to obtain enough signatures will be looked over by congress. This petition service has been used to protest sopa and pipa among other things. Right now there is a petition to remove "In God we trust" and replace it with America's old motto: "E Pluribus Unum" which is latin for "Out of many, one".
To sign the petition you have to make an account if you haven't already, but its one of the shortest signup forms I've seen. Just make sure you use a valid email address because you have to activate the account.

Here's the link: https://wwws.whitehouse.gov/petitions/#!/petition/remove-god-we-trust-legal-tender/54Bdy0R5

The petition started today and it already has 2769 petitions and its steadily rising, but we still need to reach 25,000 for it to be looked at by congress.

Putting this here because nobody's reading it on the site:
Currently, all green backs have the words In God We Trust printed on them. This ubiquitous statement has come to be known as our national motto, circa 1956, when it replaced E Pluribus Unum(Translates to 'Out of many, one'). This change was made during the cold war, when fear and propaganda were at the height of dissemination, and serves only to divide us as a nation.

A great many citizens of the United States follow non-theistic or poly-theistic faiths, or are simply atheist, and believe the national governments recognition of a deity to be in violation of the first amendment. As such, we ask that the national motto be restored to E Pluribus Unum and replaced on all green backs.

Why does this matter?
People say that it is to small of a deal to contend, but that same person does not know how to kill a democracy. Let me put it in a simple brown townogy. To kill a democracy is like boiling a frog. If you turn the heat up too quickly, the frog jumps out of the pot. Now, if you are to raise the temperature slowly, the frog will not notice and become vulnerable. If you were to dissolve the separation of the church and state, you would do it by slowly turning up the amount of intrusion that the church had. Now, I'm not saying that there is going to be a religiously controlled government in this country anytime soon, if ever. I'm just saying that this would always going to be a starting point for greater violations of the constitution if someone were to try and practice that.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 11:55:31 PM by Tylale »

This is loving handicapped.

i like e pluribus unum, it's a much better motto for america, the place where you're free to believe in any religion you want, god or not

Why? It will only anger christians and atheists shouldn't care.

And the next thing you know, there will be a petition to remove religion as a whole from the country. Then it won't be a land of the free, it will be the land of the atheist snobs.

christians will be pissy and overreact to this and i really don't care about this issue

like the whole issue with birth control, this will turn out the same way

And the next thing you know, there will be a petition to remove religion as a whole from the country. Then it won't be a land of the free, it will be the land of the atheist snobs.
who says that we are all snobs?

the only reason i don't like this is some atheists are starfishs who think they are smarter than everyone else and those specific ones will shove this in people's faces as a "victory".

> Keep some coins with "In God we trust" on them.
> Wait forever
> ???
> Profit

lol religioncigarettes think this is about hating on religion.
when its about being true to church being separate from state.

its only still on the money for tradition, its already been not relevant to government anymore.

> Keep some coins with "In God we trust" on them.
> Wait forever
> ???
> Profit

except for the fact there are trillions of coins in circulation and that they'll probably not even be worth anything good not even in 500 years and you'll most likely live less than 100