
Did you sign the petition? (Reread the first post)

Yes because it is a violation of the constitution
41 (50%)
Yes(other reason) [State below]
1 (1.2%)
No because while it is a violation, this petition won't do anything
20 (24.4%)
No (other reason) [State below]
20 (24.4%)

Total Members Voted: 82

Author Topic: "Remove "In God we trust" from legal tender" Petition on Whitehouse.gov  (Read 23995 times)

lol you're still missing the entire point of what i said
Probably because youre points are all over the place. Ive addressed every point in your original post and then you posted again about how were not understanding and how youre leaving the topic.

And plus, wasnt "In God We Trust" on currency before Separation of Church and State was even officialoh no we do not want to offend people now do we
The motto actually was "E Plurubus Unum" or however you spell it until the 1950's when Congress changed it. That was unconstitutional.

No we don't want to offend people, which is why we want to change the motto.
Doesn't Separation of Church and State mainly referee to mainly that Congress cannot make decisions based on a religious view of belief?

And wasnt "In God we trust" printed on coins and such much before we adopted Separation of Church and StateQuestion:

Can any Buddhist become a buddha?
Yes, they can't. Read above.

Buddhism is not about "becoming" a buddha. Buddha was a person, not a phrase.

Please at least try to study what we're talking about.
lol you're still missing the entire point of what i said
You're not exactly telling us your point. He directly contradicted what you were saying, it just sounds like you've ran out of arguments.
Im pretty sure Muhammed wasnt a god, just a prophet of God.

And again, "God" could referee to 4 religions
Thats why Judaism, Christians, and Islam are called people of the book. Because the  Qu'ran contains the Bible and the Bible contains the Torah
Three religions.
And they are not completely representative of America, there ARE beliefs other than those three and that is why it shouldn't slide.

People say that it is to small of a deal to contend, but that same person does not know how to kill a democracy. Let me put it in a simple brown townogy. To kill a democracy is like boiling a frog. If you turn the heat up too quickly, the frog jumps out of the pot. Now, if you are to raise the temperature slowly, the frog will not notice and become vulnerable. If you were to dissolve the separation of the church and state, you would do it by slowly turning up the amount of intrusion that the church had. Now, I'm not saying that there is going to be a religiously controlled government in this country anytime soon, if ever. I'm just saying that this would always going to be a starting point for greater violations of the constitution if someone were to try and practice that.

I'm fully supportive of this action.

People say that it is to small of a deal to contend, but that same person does not know how to kill a democracy. Let me put it in a simple brown townogy. To kill a democracy is like boiling a frog. If you turn the heat up too quickly, the frog jumps out of the pot. Now, if you are to raise the temperature slowly, the frog will not notice and become vulnerable. If you were to dissolve the separation of the church and state, this is how you would do it. Now, I'm not saying that there is going to be a religiously controlled government in this country anytime soon, if ever. I'm just saying that this would always going to be a starting point for greater violations of the constitution if someone were to try and practice that.

I'm fully supportive of this action.

ogm ur callin amerca a Frog?  u rasist.

I only got to page 9 before I had to stop reading because my head was starting to hurt.

Alyx, ninja, and anyone else who can't loving comprehend what Bisjac said.

This is is NOT about Atheists giving 2 stuffs about what religion its about. This is about SEPARATING the Christian Church from the State. It contradicts the very first amendment of our constitution.

We aren't a country founded because of religion. You have to be an idiot to even mention this.

And if I must repeat this, most Atheists do not care what religion it could have been about, we just know it is a violation of the first amendment and needs to be replaced.

Nothing big is gonna happen because of a motto.

Nothing big is gonna happen because of a motto.
Yeah, nobody would notice anyway.

..Wasn't America based on and supportive of that faith?
Also, 'God' can refer to anything or anyone you believe in.

Legislature should spend more loving time fixing something important, than screwing with unimportant stuff!

Minority's need to shut up..

Nothing big is gonna happen because of a motto.

Unless we change it to America: Take That, China

Quick someone start a petition!

Unless we change it to America: Take That, China

Quick someone start a petition!
My god, yes.

Probably because youre points are all over the place. Ive addressed every point in your original post and then you posted again about how were not understanding and how youre leaving the topic.
You're not exactly telling us your point. He directly contradicted what you were saying, it just sounds like you've ran out of arguments.
sorry i'm not very good at getting points across i guess.

the way i interpret the first amendment doesn't say at all that the government isn't allowed to respect a religion. the way i interpret it is that they can't make a law in respect of establishing a religion.

i was mainly concerned that the whole "law" part was neglected and they were paying attention to the words "respect", "government", and "religion".

i hope that better explains it, if there's still a misunderstanding i should just stop trying because i'm aware of the folly of trying to explain such a trivial thing

i feel kinda silly now

Unless we change it to America: Take That, China
why that? china financially has america by the balls right now

ogm ur callin amerca a Frog?  u rasist.
Good arguments turned to stuff by means of lulzy post.

Minority's need to shut up..
Atheism isn't a minority I don't believe.

At least it doesn't appear that way.

Also including Islam and Hinduism and ever other polytheistic religion out there.

Your argument about fixing more important stuff is totally correct imo.

why that? china financially has america by the balls right now

America: C'mon, China, You Know I'm Good For It


Well yeah. They may not be minority's, but they should still shut up.
They are all just big Lord Tony's..

(Keep bitchin' till they get what they want)