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Author Topic: Religious Views?  (Read 20060 times)

Spread of disease?
God's doing it, we won't be able to figure it out.
Incorrect approach for the smarter Christian. Just because you're Christian does not mean you entirely denounce ANYTHING scientific, there's a simple difference between Evolutionist Scientists and Christian Scientists. Both are (again I'm referencing my earlier post) going along two different points. I'll add that with a Faith comes a set of guidelines that a person of that faith follows. Christians use their Bible, and when they research, they go by their taught Biblical principles just the same as an Evolutionist goes by evolutionary principles. Simply stating that Christianity is anti progressive is false and there is evidence to prove throughout history that it is. The most common argument against this is the Crusades, which atheists will commonly use to generalize a divided religion. And by "generalize" meaning generalizing the entire group by mashing all of the different sects together without thinking of the differences in which they display.

1x1040,000 is the odds of life arising by random chance. 1x1080 is the number of atoms in the know universe. It's not going to happen. If any of the forces such as nuclear weak and strong forces, gravity, or electromagnetism were off by a fraction of a percent, the universe would not be liveable.

Life evolved around these circumstances
The circumstances didn't adapt to us...
We adapted to IT.

I dont like when people say things like...

"My dad isnt a monkey!"

"If we evolved from monkeys, why isnt it happening now?"

"What created the 'big bang' then?"

"You're going to hell because you dont believe in god"

Its annoying and stupid.

I can't believe my religion is being represented by dolts who can't learn to keep religion to themselves unless it is appropriate to tell everyone about it.

Sooo many more atheists than I thought there would be.

I sort of made my own values and beliefs.
They do not however include omnipotent humanoid stuff.

Im gonna start a religion because why not.

In my religion, we worship an elite group of aliens called, "Elite Group of Aliens". They created us.
They watched over us.
They are Anonymous.

I think the only true christians/catholics/God people are the Westboro Baptist Church. The Bible states that it is the divine truth and you must disregard everything that says otherwise as it is trying to test your fate and such. Westboro are just about the only religious group who actually believe in what the bible says word for word - as the bible instructs.

As I stated before, a lot of Christians merely fear death/god's will or any of the jazz it promotes because they were brought up believing it to be true. The belief in (modernised) God means that you'll always be loved by jesus and you'll go to heaven if you do, so on so forth. This is an indoctrination tactic, if you haven't noticed.

And another point, it is a fact that the more finite a resource is the more valuable it becomes. People who believe that they only get 70-80 years to live will value their lives greatly. It's the opposite for Christians - they have their whole lives to waste because they'll live forever in heaven.

This reminded me of a book i saw at some bookshow or something years ago, it was called "The bible in Australian" or something along those lines, i picked it up, flipped to a random page and, "then Jesus gathered his mates and broke the dampa, and poured each half a glass of red from his billy"
I then closed the book as to its tribal nonsense and handicapped author.

Also there is a lot of misguided and uneducated information and teachings about the bible, you can't judge everything based off of what you get from one or two sources.

I like to call myself an agnostic, but only because it's impossible to disprove god's existence or lack thereof

And also I don't give a stuff about theism or atheism but I like to have an answer ready in case someone asks

some of my friends stopped hanging out with me when they figured out i didnt believe in christianity :c