Author Topic: Invalid key?  (Read 1216 times)

A friend was trying to install his authentication key onto his other computer, in case he needed to use it- But, for some reason, it's "Invalid". Can you help him out?

Have your friend send a screenshot, along with proof of his purchase, and the key he was given to Badspot, and he will most likely help you out.

I forgot to ask, does the error say that the key is invalid, or that the authentication has failed?

I'm not sure about this, but have him delete the "key.dat" file in his Blockland folder, I think it may have been corrupted. If he is using the Apple OSX Beta, then this has happened before and Badspot will probably fix it soon.


  • Administrator

1. You're typing the key in wrong.  Make sure you're not mistaking B for 8, 2 for Z, etc
2. The game is unable to write to the key.dat file.  This can be caused by running the game from a read-only folder like a cd-rom. 

If you are on Mac OSX, you need to drag the blockland directory to your applications and run it from there.  Don't run the game directly from the dmg.