Neither of those posts by her were sarcastic.
My bad - I thought the top one was.
You didnt "call me out" for being an ass, I never said I wasnt, and in fact I responded multiple times to you and you just ignored it and went off on something completley unrelated:
I did call you out, wtf
And if I went off on something completely unrelated, then how was I whining about you being mean? You're contradicting yourself bro
Here is my response after you claimed I handled the situation poorly when in fact I did not, considering the fact that I Lizzy is the one that was banned and I started the argument.Here is where I responded to your "main point (Which by the way is a point against what...? Me being an ass to Lizzy has nothing to do with her getting banned, and no one has tried to say I was nice to her so you were coming out of the blue) but apparently you lack the reading skills needed to comprehend what I was saying, which is quite obvious by the fact that you have yet to correctly respond to any of my posts.
When I said you handled the situation badly, I meant Lizzy in general.
Again, posts don't need to be ALL ABOUT THE OP ALL THE TIME
I was stating my opinion of you and Lizzy.
And you did respond to my point, but you basically just responded with "you're not allowed to post your opinion, you're stating the obvious and that's against the rules"