Author Topic: When Badspot joined his own server heres what happened.  (Read 5040 times)

Lol, it's like Baddy is being chased by zombies.

He obviously doesnt want you to know
So obvious that even I knew!

It was funny watching everyone chase Badspot around.

Heedicalking and I have been trying to find his alt, assuming he has one.

If he does have an alt it would be odd if you found out. I've wondered about that as well.

i know it cuz im special


as if love can be given

>Everyone storms into Blockomart after Badspot
>Few seconds pass
>Lols are had

The only few smart people were ones off the forums.
That Jer guy needs to grow an intelligence.

I bet badspot is bisjac.

The only few smart people were ones off the forums.
That Jer guy needs to grow an intelligence.

That isnt very nice of you.

I'm Jericho D:

"Breaking News!: A bunch of Dumbass's are chasing Badspot!" Maybe Badspot's IP. Hes server IP from yesterday as i know.

you ever join a server and feel like the only sane man?

because that seems to happen startlingly often to me.

If I saw Badspot, I would just say "Ohai" and get back to whatever I was doing
« Last Edit: March 26, 2012, 07:48:38 AM by Deoxys And One Noob »