Author Topic: Inconnue  (Read 1196 times)

Forum member Inconnue other wise known as Senyor derpy hooves other wise known as Johnny 3 Tears.

This kid pulls insults out of his ass right after another, it's unnecessary and just plain retared.

Ridiculous past names
As you can see, ...well you can judge yourself.

But in this case, you are a cigarette, and you know it.  :cookieMonster:
this quote I agree with but he didn't need to include the cigarette part and the cookiemonster stuff.
Says the idiot that can't go 10 minutes without criticizing someone for absolutely no reason at all.
Its his drama dip stuff.
So what I didn't say it wasn't, I said you can't go 10 minutes without cussing at someone.


Last time i checked, cussing and criticizing were not the same thing, dip stuff.

And ill criticize whoever i want.

I don't know if I should believe this but here
Arkal is my alt.
if you didn't know Arkal is a pretty big dipstuff.

Pacnet Umadbro  :cookieMonster:


Derpy hooves?
I thought the guy was legit...

Arkal's alt?

I know Arkal and he is annoying at times but I dont know if he is derpy hooves...

Arkal's alt?

I know Arkal and he is annoying at times but I dont know if he is derpy hooves...
They both act like inconsiderate forgetheads.

"Inconnue" = "Stranger" in french

"senyor derpy hooves"

knew exactly what to expect from this son of a bitch

Yeah, seen him around, massive cigaretteret, he is.

I support this topic.

I still remember like 5 years ago (possibly 3-4) Jonny going at one of my friends calling here a queef fat lipped vagina cunt, followed her around to every server lol. Anyway yeah Jonny/senyor is usually a big ass unless you are already friends with him, then he can be semi cool.

senyor is usually a coolbro on my server, but I'm surprised

Also on Counts knife TDM a while back he was spamming the team chat and hanging with the grapple like all the time.

On Nobot's Deathrace he would never shut the forget up.

I recall him getting banned from Ostinyo's server awhile back for abusing.