Version 7 (yes, 7)

Author Topic: Version 7 (yes, 7)  (Read 4189 times)


  • Administrator
The logic behind the change in version numbers is to avoid confusion between the old version numbers of RTB and Blockland.  There would also be confusion once the version numbers reached 1.10 as many commonly refer to 1.01 et al as 1.1.

Prototype = v2
1.0 = 3
1.01 = 4
1.02 = 5
1.03 = 6
Now we're on 7

Just in time. Sept usally has a dedicated up. He went to play and it killed the game. He thought he had a bad virus, lol. But I found this in time before he reinstalled.

I like having 1 number  for the MAJOR updates, and having another number after it for minor updates. much like the psp firmware numbers.

And you use letters for bug fixes, i've always liked that idea of version releasing.


1 = First major update
.05 = 5 minor updates
g = a,b,c,d,e,f,g = 7 bug fixes.

Looks confusing but makes sense, if this was using Badspots method it would be version 13, and it piles up after a while and you get like version 807656, and that's just moar confusing.

Can we get a change log please? Or is all you did is fix the server crash method?

Can we get a change log please? Or is all you did is fix the server crash method?

This patch fixes several issues including the lovely server crashing bug found earlier today.


Ok only one question:  Do Slezak's super crazy windows work with this update?

Only if a blb downloaders been put in it.

awesome badspot because i know about something thats gonna happen about a week from this update

You should replace Version: 7 with Build #7.
Makes more sense.  :cookieMonster:

gay pirate?

Yeah, I lol'd.

Randomize avatar function is now weighted to decrease the "gay pirate" factor