Author Topic: The Rick Roll and its alternatives  (Read 1284 times)

A collection to celebrate one of the most trap linked videos in the history of the internet.

Rick Rolls
8-bit version
Better 8-bit version
Brony version
Mario Paint Version
Scary version
(Posting the link to the original video gets you a nasty warning, don't try it)

Alternative trap videos
Sax Roll'd
McDonald's Roll'd
Czech Roll'd
Trololo Roll'd

This is only what I could find in a few minutes, so I'm sure there's more. If you can find others that would fit this list somewhere post them here.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 08:56:16 AM by Narkro555 »


Such a dense concentration of Rick Roll could potentially cause a rip in fabrics of space and time, creating a tear that would suck everything into it, utterly destroying the Galaxy


Such a dense concentration of Rick Roll could potentially cause a rip in fabrics of space and time, creating a tear that would suck everything into it, utterly destroying the Galaxy
what about the rest of the universe

ogm nu trap links banbanban

I'm disappointed to see no DuckRoll.

I'm disappointed to see no DuckRoll.
Quote from: Badspot
I can't believe I even have to say this but do not post Rick-Roll, Duck-Roll, screamers, browser crashes, pop-up spam or any other kind of god damn trap links.

These aren't trap links. I clearly labeled them.
No I was responding to Proogs Duck-roll thing.

No I was responding to Proogs Duck-roll thing.
yeah and it says rickroll too, so if that was a problem I would be more concerned with OP than Proog

yeah and it says rickroll too, so if that was a problem I would be more concerned with OP than Proog
He didn't post original rickroll link.