Author Topic: The Venus Project is legitimate. The Zeitgeist Movement is not credible.  (Read 4197 times)

It is never truly eradicated, but 99% of it is. That is all that matters.
I still don't understand what makes you think you can eradicate it 99%

Even Rome was unable to keep the peace when it was a great empire. it lasted for so long then it started again. And even during times of "peace" the natural greed and pride of human beings are still present. The issue? The option of evil fueled by desire. Even with the "equal" distribution of resources, it is still never enough, as I will partially quote from the beginning of the video. It is never "enough". The movement is promoted with the best intentions in mind which I love, but it is destined to fail.

I still don't understand what makes you think you can eradicate it 99%

Even Rome was unable to keep the peace when it was a great empire. it lasted for so long then it started again. And even during times of "peace" the natural greed and pride of human beings are still present. The issue? The option of evil fueled by desire. Even with the "equal" distribution of resources, it is still never enough, as I will partially quote from the beginning of the video. It is never "enough". The movement is promoted with the best intentions in mind which I love, but it is destined to fail.

It didn't succeed in Rome because they didn't have the necessary technologies, and they still used a monetary system among a mass of other differences from the ideas expressed in this video.

It didn't succeed in Rome because they didn't have the necessary technologies, and they still used a monetary system among a mass of other differences from the ideas expressed in this video.
Technology has opened a larger market for greed than it was 100 years ago. The abolishment of the monetary system is coming, but rather than a suspected utopia, it will create chaos.

I am a bad person and everyone can potentially be a bad person with or without a negative environment just as a person can become an extremely good person growing up in a negative one. child emotional and behavioral disorders come from a wide range of factors as well, so yes, the death of a parent can affect the way you act in the future but it's only making a follow up to making you eventually choose a decision you can also choose to deny despite all the odds against you and the fuel of love or hatred backing you.
Abuse is wide on it's range of the way it affects peoples lives, it can have a positive or negative effect or perhaps a wider range of that for that matter. Human beings have a decision, and most choose the negative out of self. It is entirely pointless to aim for the decision of evil being removed from the choices because it cannot be done.
So you're saying that our decisions just spring from holes in the ground?

So you're saying that our decisions just spring from holes in the ground?
Our decisions spring from the knowledge of good and evil which were acquired at the fall of man. In a literal sense, ignorance was bliss before that happened.

Technology has opened a larger market for greed than it was 100 years ago. The abolishment of the monetary system is coming, but rather than a suspected utopia, it will create chaos.

Nobody said anything about Utopia. From chaos a new system must emerge. Chaos has never lasted in history. If we stop doubting these ideas, start accepting them, and then spreading them, they will most likely be the ones to be implemented. If you are saying it will never happen, it won't. If you say it may happen, it may. If we all say it will happen, it will!

Our decisions spring from the knowledge of good and evil which were acquired at the fall of man. In a literal sense, ignorance was bliss before that happened.

But we have learned lessons from the past. If we convert today's evils into lessons, few will repeat them.

Nobody said anything about Utopia. From chaos a new system must emerge. Chaos has never lasted in history. If we stop doubting these ideas, start accepting them, and then spreading them, they will most likely be the ones to be implemented. If you are saying it will never happen, it won't. If you say it may happen, it may. If we all say it will happen, it will!
If you really want this to happen, you must first convince the people to drop their possessions to the side and have everyone treat eachother as a family. You would have to convince this current generation and all upcoming generations to put aside anger and the thought of self to bring in a one world system. But just look at the human being and how many times this was attempted. Are you absolutely positive and confident you could get something like this to really work? With the choices a human being is faced with?
But we have learned lessons from the past. If we convert today's evils into lessons, few will repeat them.
As we speak we are already doing an exact repeat of failed campaigns attempted in the past. It's merely modernized in form. Chaos has been ever present throughout history and hasn't stopped from year one.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 11:49:48 AM by TeslaCoil »

Our decisions spring from the knowledge of good and evil which were acquired at the fall of man. In a literal sense, ignorance was bliss before that happened.
What the heck are you talking about

If you really want this to happen, you must first convince the people to drop their possessions to the side and have everyone treat eachother as a family. You would have to convince this current generation and all upcoming generations to put aside anger and the thought of self to bring in a one world system. But just look at the human being and how many times this was attempted. Are you absolutely positive and confident you could get something like this to really work? With the choices a human being is faced with? As we speak we are already doing an exact repeat of failed campaigns attempted in the past. It's merely modernized in form.

Our generation is the generation of the internet. We are extremely more aware and connected than our parents. Look at how many, and the % of likes the video has for a basic example of our generation's elevated consciousness.

Our generation is the generation of the internet. We are extremely more aware and connected than our parents. Look at how many, and the % of likes the video has for a basic example of our generation's elevated consciousness.
And yet how minor all that put together equals to the giant you need to take on. That's only a fraction of the things that need to be dealt with. If you can show me a man who is selfless and perfect. Then you have the seed for a successful movement.

Wow, thought this was gonna be a cool video, it was really gay and all hippie stuff.

Wow, thought this was gonna be a cool video, it was really gay and all hippie stuff.

Please don't generalize.

Wow, thought this was gonna be a cool video, it was really gay and all hippie stuff.
I suppose you didn't follow my advice

Wow, thought this was gonna be a cool video, it was really gay and all hippie stuff.
It was a wonderful video. And it's rare you get an approach that's intelligent enough to notice something wrong.

Our decisions spring from the knowledge of good and evil which were acquired at the fall of man. In a literal sense, ignorance was bliss before that happened.
What the heck are you talking about