Author Topic: The Venus Project is legitimate. The Zeitgeist Movement is not credible.  (Read 4196 times)

After researching some revealing information, I have decided to lock this thread. The Venus Project, which is the organization I advocate, has been separated with the filmmaker of this video since last year. More information is here:

The Zeitgeist Movement has lost almost all cohesiveness to the proper solutions and should be ignored. All credible information can be found on The Venus Project's website:
« Last Edit: April 08, 2012, 07:57:11 PM by Sunny »

I look forward to an intelligent discussion.

I look forward to an intelligent discussion.

i'll just tell you right now that you are going to be let down

no exceptions

EDIT: damnit i haven't watched all 2 and 1/2 hours

You can skip the first six minutes, there's nothing there.

I've seen the video through and through

It's the only video I came to realize notices the issues we face as a society today, and notices corruption. Sadly though, it believes the human nature can be changed to conform to a one world system of peace and a sharing community and abolish monetary systems. That can't even be done through gradual change. Human corruption/nature is not genetic and it is not caused through environment. As a matter of fact the video contradicted itself on that part.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 10:43:12 AM by TeslaCoil »

I watched part of it before, but I stopped watching it. I'm going to finish it now.

I've seen the video through and through

It's the only video I came to realize notices the issues we face as a society today, and notices corruption. Sadly though, it believes the human nature can be changed to conform to a one world system of peace and a sharing community and abolish monetary systems. That can't even be done through gradual change.

Why do you think that?

Why do you think that?
Human nature is not genetic, nor is it caused by the environment, I believe though that the corruption of a human is passed down in an internal sense. I'm not coming from a Darwinist view however so I don't class ourselves as pre-programmed evolutionary animals that happen to be higher up on the food chain. I think therefore I am. Humans to me make decisions out of choice and misguided reasoning rather than how one was treated as a child or the environment he lives in. A person can choose to do good, or to do bad. Since the option of bad is always present with all forms and environments in a human being, Mr. Kind old Abernathy could choose to become a cereal killer despite being as massive philanthropist. I grew up in a kind environment and had almost an unshakable family life, the passing of my parents affected me, but it will not and never will effect how I choose to treat people. There are knives in my kitchen, I could kill someone for no reason, or I can make up or find a reason and blame it on that for the sake of me wanting to make the choice. I've had very few negative forces put upon my shoulders, but does that mean I can't find death gore and killing people amusing?

Human nature is not genetic, nor is it caused by the environment, I believe though that the corruption of a human is passed down in an internal sense. I'm not coming from a Darwinist view however so I don't class ourselves as pre-programmed evolutionary animals that happen to be higher up on the food chain. I think therefore I am. Humans to me make decisions out of choice and misguided reasoning rather than how one was treated as a child or the environment he lives in. A person can choose to do good, or to do bad. Since the option of bad is always present with all forms and environments in a human being, Mr. Kind old Abernathy could choose to become a cereal killer despite being as massive philanthropist. I grew up in a kind environment and had almost an unshakable family life, the passing of my parents affected me, but it will not and never will effect how I choose to treat people. There are knives in my kitchen, I could kill someone for no reason, or I can make up or find a reason and blame it on that for the sake of me wanting to make the choice. I've had very few negative forces put upon my shoulders, but does that mean I can't find death gore and killing people amusing?

Correct me if I'm wrong but no studies have shown that parent death contributes to ill behavior. Other things like abuse do. Also, you are not a bad person so your good upbringing most likely determined your personality. Arguing hypothetically does not really prove anything. That is, unless, you are a bad person.

Correct me if I'm wrong but no studies have shown that parent death contributes to ill behavior. Other things like abuse do. Also, you are not a bad person so your good upbringing most likely determined your personality. Arguing hypothetically does not really prove anything. That is, unless, you are a bad person.
I am a bad person and everyone can potentially be a bad person with or without a negative environment just as a person can become an extremely good person growing up in a negative one. child emotional and behavioral disorders come from a wide range of factors as well, so yes, the death of a parent can affect the way you act in the future but it's only making a follow up to making you eventually choose a decision you can also choose to deny despite all the odds against you and the fuel of love or hatred backing you.
Abuse is wide on it's range of the way it affects peoples lives, it can have a positive or negative effect or perhaps a wider range of that for that matter. Human beings have a decision, and most choose the negative out of self. It is entirely pointless to aim for the decision of evil being removed from the choices because it cannot be done.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 11:19:11 AM by TeslaCoil »

I am a bad person and everyone can potentially be a bad person with or without a negative environment just as a person can become an extremely good person growing up in a negative one. child emotional and behavioral disorders come from a wide range of factors as well, so yes, the death of a parent can affect the way you act in the future but it's only making a follow up to making you eventually choose a decision you can also choose to deny despite all the odds against you and the fuel of love or hatred backing you.
Abuse is wide on it's range of the way it affects peoples lives, it can have a positive or negative effect or perhaps a wider range of that for that matter. Human beings have a decision, and most choose the negative out of self. It is entirely pointless to aim for the decision of evil being removed from the choices because it cannot be done.

On another note: environment. People can choose to be bad nowadays because today's environment promotes it. If everyone else were to be educated, free from negative upbringings, and the incentive for crime eradicated, that would definitely create and environment making human behavior almost at best.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 11:23:17 AM by Sunny »

It would be at it's peak. Things would be wonderful.

However, even with the reduction of promotion, you still have the option of evil and committing a crime. It is never truly eradicated because humans have the knowledge of evil.

It would be at it's peak. Things would be wonderful.

However, even with the reduction of promotion, you still have the option of evil and committing a crime. It is never truly eradicated because humans have the knowledge of evil.

It is never truly eradicated, but 99% of it is. That is all that matters, especially since there will nobody in positions of power.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 11:28:14 AM by Sunny »