
Brick Type. [For V5]

2x2Cube [In-Use]
8 (53.3%)
7 (46.7%)

Total Members Voted: 15

Author Topic: Glass' Trench Wars [Official Topic]  (Read 46613 times)


No offense, but I think we want someone with a bit more in-game experience.
The final decision goes to glass of course, but i'm just saying that waiting a while, getting to know the community and such, would really help you with things like applications.
I've been playing for 4 months on the game but just now registering on the forums and I have a pretty good idea of the community.

No offense, but I think we want someone with a bit more in-game experience.
Just because they haven't registered on the forums doesn't mean they have no experience on the game?
Are you stupid?

Just because they haven't registered on the forums doesn't mean they have no experience on the game?
I think you misunderstood my post.
getting to know the community and such, would help you with things like applications.
I meant moreso this.
It was badly worded, I'm going to edit the post and word it better.

Yea I've found the problem, I'll fix it up whenever I get on my computer

There is three score savers running, thus throwing massive conflictions. I am merging the new database with the old one. Server may lag.. A lot. Decided to use a loop instead :P
« Last Edit: May 06, 2012, 05:45:13 AM by Gambsy »

Kalphiter moved the server to a new server..or something. Lol.

Alright Kalphiter finished the server move and server is back up.

Update: Fixed server Status.

« Last Edit: May 06, 2012, 09:14:20 PM by Gloss »

Er, Why weaponshop so mean to me :P

Uniforms are a terrible idea.

Uniforms are a terrible idea.
Uniforms are awesome.

Uniforms are a terrible idea.

Uniforms are awesome.

I agree.
And they are not going to be some stuff Uniform, I will make them nice, When I get home I'll get a Pic of it.

And they are not going to be some stuff Uniform, I will make them nice, When I get home I'll get a Pic of it.
Please don't make space helmets and stuff.
This is a trench warfare server.
They usually wear army helmets.