Author Topic: Minecraft - MC_NO_WORLD  (Read 27414 times)

this attachment depicts what I have to-do, and what I have finished (blank spaces)

Oh god this topic needs a bump

This is saddening.
The servers are down, there are no new replies and no updates.

3d noise + not laggy, so yeah, forget you Brian I told you so  :iceCream:

Unless Destiny feels like sharing...
Code: [Select]
$perlin = new ScriptObject() {
class = Perlin;

function generate(%seed, %bg, %ox, %oy, %oz, %ix, %iy, %iz, %width, %length, %depth) {
%iters = 3;

for(%xd = 0; %xd < %width; %xd++) {
for(%yd = 0; %yd < %length; %yd++) {
for(%zd = 0; %zd < %depth; %zd++) {
%quality = 2 + %seed;
%density = 0;
%x = %ix + %xd;
%y = %iy + %yd;
%z = %iz + %zd;

for(%j = 0; %j < %iters; %j++) {
%density += $perlin.noise((%x / %seed) / %quality, (%y / %seed) / %quality, (%z / %seed) / %quality) * %quality;
%quality *= 4;

if(%density < 0) // air

%bx = %ox + (%x * 2);
%by = %oy + (%y * 2);
%bz = %oz + (%z * 2);
%bpos = %bx SPC %by SPC %bz;
%brick = new fxDTSBrick() {
position = %bpos;
datablock = brick4xCubeData;
isPlanted = 1;
client = %client;
colorID = 2;

function tweenGenerate(%seed, %bg, %ox, %oy, %oz, %gx, %gy, %width, %length, %depth) {
generate(%seed, %bg, %ox, %oy, %oz, %gx, %gy, 0, 1, 1, %depth);


if(%gx == %width)
if(!(%gx == %width && %gy == %length)) {
if(%gx == %width)
%gx = 0;

$tweenGenerate = schedule(20, 0, tweenGenerate, %seed, %bg, %ox, %oy, %oz, %gx, %gy, %width, %length, %depth);
function serverCmdStopPerlinTest(%client) {

function serverCmdPerlinTest(%client, %width, %length, %depth) {
if(!%client.isSuperAdmin || !isObject(%client.player))

%player = %client.player;
%pp = %player.getPosition();
%px = getWord(%pp, 0);
%py = getWord(%pp, 1);
%pz = getWord(%pp, 2);
%seed = getRandom();

tweenGenerate(%seed, %client.brickGroup, %px, %py, %pz, 0, 0, %width, %length, %depth);
It's a bit eccentric sometimes, but lowering the octaves / making sure the perlin class is correct will fix it (this is an old version, I loss the new perlin class I had that had a bugfix).

that's perlin though
isn't perlin the static one that doesn't allow minecraftian spread-as-you-go building/generating?

that's perlin though
isn't perlin the static one that doesn't allow minecraftian spread-as-you-go building/generating?
um.. no? Minecraft uses the exact method I just showed you. Whoever said it can't just doesn't know that you need to offset the position based on the chunk position.

Oh, you're z0w0? Should have guessed (Zack0Wack0).
port god damn you you gave me false information

(see my most recent post)

I guess my work here is done.

Working on skeleton models.



oooo im stupid
infinite perlin noise can be done with superb ease
why did i not see this before, even with 2D Perlin. (Which you still haven't fixed (that little bug) )