Author Topic: What's the longest you've gone without being banned?  (Read 1901 times)

I got a week ban once for calling magick mage a tree I totally deserved it though I was way out of line and was pointlessly flaming and being tribal.

Never banned from forums

Never banned from forums
holy stuff
looking at your postcount, that's pretty impressive

About 10 months.

Almost a year.

On this account: No bans yet
Old account: About 11 months
Quote from: ban post
first post

User was banned for this post

Almost got banned once, and I haven't been banned yet.

A bit more than a year.

On this account: Less than half a year.
On old account: More than two years.

I am gonna get revenge with this :D

User was banned for this post
The first (and only) time I've been banned.
I joined in May 24, 2010.

18 months between my join date and the ban.
4 months between the ban date and today.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2012, 11:44:16 PM by dargereldren »

2 week bans 5 times, 6th was permanent. pretty much all for flaming sans the 6th, which was for gross images and generally failing to take a hint.