Author Topic: Dota 2 Megathread: Wraithed  (Read 141846 times)

You don't seem to understand. We were getting destroyed. It's the fact that she was even able to buy the rapier that's forgetin' stupid.
She doesn't seem to have ridiculous farm, for a 60 minute game an AC is not that much so she sank all her gold into it without actually ricing for it, which in itself is a terrible idea. It's her fault for buying a rapier anyway so she deserves the loss and if your team can outplay their 1 trick hero than it seems justified to punish them further.

Only hero who should be 100% confident in carrying a rapier is a farmed SK, other than that you're always at risk regardless.

dota made me mad :c
it said i was in the low priority matchmaking pool for more than 7 hours for abandoned games or pleyer reports
i had to get off my moms laptop yesterday in the middle of a match then i went to bed :c

You only get put into low priority after 3 or more leaves in a single week, they actually give you a grace period. So yeah, that means you either left a stuffton of games, or nobody likes you and reports you in every single game.

I had a cool game with death prophet yesterday. Probably because the other team sucked.

does everyone get an invitation to send out, or is it just selected or some stuff? if not, then does anyone have a spare pass they can give to my friend? i wish i could give you more than something, but the best thing i could think of is tf2 items (name tag, vintage hat or two, i don't really care)

I only got the two extra invites once, but others are getting them more often.

You only get put into low priority after 3 or more leaves in a single week, they actually give you a grace period. So yeah, that means you either left a stuffton of games, or nobody likes you and reports you in every single game.
i had no choice but to leave because i either had to go to bed or my parents made me get off the laptop :c
but i have contacted valve about it

so can anyone recommend me a good dota 2 youtube channel with pro replays + commentary?

so can anyone recommend me a good dota 2 youtube channel with pro replays + commentary?

Ursa benis :DDDDDDdddd

Wow, CM is the only support in that entire game.

Wow, CM is the only support in that entire game.
and she built blade mail so we wouldnt focus her down when she ulted