
What should I stream?

A game.
A movie.
Quite a few episodes of a TV show.

Author Topic: DoctorDoodler's Livestream - Offline.  (Read 494 times)

I finally start streaming after nobody can decide, but everybody leaves when I start.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2012, 10:37:54 PM by ? »


First we pick what category, and then we pick what thing.

Voting stage one closes in 5 minutes.

Pick a game here

Or here

I can also do Warp and Stacking but those are on a different steam account.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2012, 10:37:09 PM by ? »

10:01 PM - Mr.Dr.Prof.PlasmaGrenade: Uhm... Saint's Row 3

forget all of you i'm doing

Hard reset.