Author Topic: Rare/Historic Pictures (IMAGE HEAVY.)  (Read 8488 times)

The pictures of Riddler being normal are probably the scariest pictures of Riddler there are.

didn't Riddler have like one ball or something?

yes by ball I mean in his pants.

didn't Riddler have like one ball or something?

yes by ball I mean in his pants.
one got sniped in wwi as he was emerging from a trench
they had to remove it to prevent infection
that's why he never had kids

one got sniped in wwi as he was emerging from a trench
they had to remove it to prevent infection
that's why he never had kids

You can have children with one testicle

it's just your spermstation's been cut in half

You can have children with one testicle

it's just your spermstation's been cut in half

it also doesn't do well for your reputation when the woman you had love with tells her friends about you

>on the internet, where over 600 million people can see it

Why no moon landing?

Also this

one got sniped in wwi as he was emerging from a trench
they had to remove it to prevent infection
that's why he never had kids

People say he had a kid.

Why is the bus not yellow aaa

creep alert in the bus.

Also, In the moon picture, why does everything have a shadow except for the flag?

Why is the bus not yellow aaa
The pic in this topic has the roof as a little different color.

-Moon Conspiracy Moon Landing-

Also this
What's that firey thing in the one pic?

What's that firey thing in the one pic?
I believe that is a small child.