Author Topic: Rare/Historic Pictures (IMAGE HEAVY.)  (Read 8452 times)

Hillary isn't bad looking in that picture. Kinda gives you a perspective on everyone, we've all changed quite a bit through life, and that's how it always goes, but sometimes we still retain that certain genuine appearance that makes us recognizable throughout our lives.

These are really cool pictures. :D

And even as a teenager, Bill was a horny forgeter. He's clearly hiding his boner behind that ball

creep alert in the bus.

Also, In the moon picture, why does everything have a shadow except for the flag?

The moon's surface reflects light more than the Earth does. So, it may be all wonky for the flag. Or perhaps the shadow is that thing right next to it.

i would bone the hillary in that picture

It has a shadow. Look to the left side, you'll see the pole shadow.

The light is coming FROM the left.  The shadows are all on the right side.

The light is coming FROM the left.  The shadows are all on the right side.
the flag is parallel with the sun rays, so it doesnt cast much of a shadow.  notice how the wrinkles in the flag are very distinct

the flag is parallel with the sun rays, so it doesnt cast much of a shadow.  notice how the wrinkles in the flag are very distinct

I could care less about the conspiracy or not.  Just pointing out that people can't look at a massive black line going toward the light source and claim that it's a shadow for a tiny pole.

These aren't exactly rare if you have them.

I have an optical illusion book with an old picture of some soldiers posing. However, due to it being black and white, two men sitting next eachother have hard to distinguish arms. Should I post it if I find it?

I have an optical illusion book with an old picture of some soldiers posing. However, due to it being black and white, two men sitting next eachother have hard to distinguish arms. Should I post it if I find it?
Why do people even ask things like this.

These aren't exactly rare if you have them.
Could be a picture your grandpa or whoever has. Dosnt mean its not rare if they have it.

Why do people even ask things like this.
because i wanna!!!!!!!!