Author Topic: .  (Read 41638 times)

Would you increase the player count if the map was bigger?
Would you do it for a scooby snack?

Would you increase the player count if the map was bigger?
Would you do it for a scooby snack?
I was just about to say a prison escape server that can handle at least 50 people would be awesome.

I'm sorry you feel that way but I don't see your reasoning here.

The server cap isn't 30 players due to limitations with my servers equipment or internet hosting. I can handle plenty more. Kalph's servers mean nothing to me.

The problem is the gamemode itself is built and balanced around 30 people being in the server at one time.

No one is forcing you to donate or play on my server.

If people are supporting it then I feel they should have the right to play it. Rather than being locked out of the server.

Then why not ask for a gamemode modification?
Or you could try 60 players so its 30 on one team and 30 on the other.

Then why not ask for a gamemode modification?
Or you could try 60 players so its 30 on one team and 30 on the other.
I don't think you understand how PPE works.

So still midnight until 4AM. I checked both yesterday and the day before for four hours from your "might start" time and saw nothing except the locked one once.

holy stuff, space guy's alive

holy stuff, pload's alive

... holy stuff, everyone's alive!

the zombie apocalypse is upon us! repent! repent!

I think I'll work on something for the official post.


Might be a bit futurstic for your style, but at least I tried.

I still didn't get a green light or a red one?

We're happy with how the original post looks already, I'm sorry but thanks.

We're happy with how the original post looks already, I'm sorry but thanks.

Maybe if I tried to make another version, the style of the orange text on the logo?

Maybe if I tried to make another version, the style of the orange text on the logo?
Look, I'm sure they're fine. If they can pull off the logo, they can do the text.

Buckets are useless because the snipers instant kill you no matter where they hit, and the time you're stunned, confused, and depressed from the loss of your beloved bucket, that gives the guards enough time to shoot again.
Trays are useless because the bucket thing or you can aim slightly above them.

All the oldies come back once Badspot and Komressor drift away again.

So still midnight until 4AM. I checked both yesterday and the day before for four hours from your "might start" time and saw nothing except the locked one once.

See? I'm not imagining things

Buckets are useless because the snipers instant kill you no matter where they hit, and the time you're stunned, confused, and depressed from the loss of your beloved bucket, that gives the guards enough time to shoot again.
Trays are useless because the bucket thing or you can aim slightly above them.
But it serves as a nice distraction if you're protecting the guys chiseling away at the wall. The guards have to waste two bullets on you to get you out of the way of the people about to escape behind you.

I think it should be reduced to three guard towers each covering 33.33% of the map (which would require moving the towers but hey)