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Author Topic: Guild Wars 2 - Dragon Festivals, woo  (Read 67732 times)

so i got the name King in every beta/stress test, and tried to get it on release. Didn't happen, even though i got in right when it opened and did everything. today i decided to ask the guy who did get the name how he did it so fast.
Turns out, i would have got it, but he's an ArenaNet employee, so he said it wasn't a fair fight :(
pretty cool dude though

whooooooooooooooooooo i got a full set of mad king armor aw yiss

my account got hacked into an hour ago
guy took all my gold and fine materials and bailed.
i had
so much stuff for my legendary its not even funny
im going to cut my wrists now :(

my account got hacked into an hour ago
guy took all my gold and fine materials and bailed.
i had
so much stuff for my legendary its not even funny
im going to cut my wrists now :(

Two wrong always make a right, hack someone else and get your goodies back.

My account disappeared

although I have support helping me along the way I'm pissed since I was gonna play with my bros

Just had the most intense PvP battle ever.

What server do you guys play on?


also OP pls update to winter event

Can you cross server instance? I want to do the wintersday instance with people.

I'm so badass

oh my god


so beautiful


Bought this last night, it has taken about 17 hours to download with my slow as stuff internet, but it's almost done.

Bought this last night, it has taken about 17 hours to download with my slow as stuff internet, but it's almost done.

It's worth the wait.


I am starting up a new guild on Gate of Madness, I can totally swap though if there is a main server you guys play on.

Wintersday was bloody horrid, thank the lord that stuff is over.