Author Topic: Boy Scouts bans atheists, how is this legal?  (Read 4126 times)

The Boy Scouts of America maintains that no member can grow into the best kind of citizen without recognizing an obligation to God and, therefore, recognizes the religious element in the training of the member, but it is absolutely nonsectarian in its attitude toward that religious training. Its policy is that the home and organization or group with which the member is connected shall give definite attention to religious life.

Only persons willing to subscribe to these precepts from the Declaration of Religious Principle and to the Bylaws of the Boy Scouts of America shall be entitled to certificates of leadership.

I have been in scouts since first grade, and in my specific troop since fifth.  I am starting work on my Eagle Project, and was going over all the requirements for the board of review when I came across this.

I am required to personally affirm my belief in god and follow the BSA Declaration of Religious Principle.  When I joined scouting, I guess my parents just did this for me, but to become Eagle I am expected to do it myself.

It seems that is has caused quite a bit of controversy:
But the BSA apparently wins all of these court cases.  They have the right to kick people out and deny membership based on morals.

I personally believe that the concept of god is ridiculous and that belief in it is out of touch with reality and in fact destructive to society, but do not worry about it because I am confident that religion is fading and will disappear altogether eventually.  I do, however, respect the beliefs of others and just smile and nod when people start talking about anything religious.

This has bothered me for days now.  I really don't want to have to deal with this kind of thing  Even the girl scouts of america have moved into the modern era and eliminated any religious requirement.
Should I just lie and say "um yea woo god n' stuff, can we move on?"

They also don't allow gays

They also don't allow gays

Yeah but they lose court cases all the time regarding discrimination based on homoloveuality, but they have yet to lose one based on banning atheists.

My buddy just recently completed his eagle scout project, and he just bullstuffted the god question just to get it over with. Not like they're going to quiz you on bible verses. And if they ask you about your beliefs, you can just say you're a Christian with very loose beliefs. Or that you're a god-accepting citizen, you just don't go to church.

My most atheist friend is a scout. Just lie to them.

America - teaching children to discriminate since forever.

At least you can still be Agnostic. That's slightly the same.

I could have joined boy scouts but I didn't want to lie.
Areligious btw, going to toot my own horn about this for the rest of my life.

Why do you want to be in there anyway?

Give them the finger and walk out. Possibly in the most discriminatory way against religion possible.

Friends are in it, you learn outdoorsmanship stuff, etc.
However, I probably know more about knots than most boy scouts, and I'm a decent runner and hiker, etc.

At least you can still be Agnostic. That's not even slightly the same.

Boy scouts are going to rule the world in a zombie apocalypse.

Boy scouts are going to rule the world in a zombie apocalypse.
Boy scouts are going to band together in dying pathetically and quickly while adhering to a system of Christian principles and military ranks, utilizing their knot-tying expertise to pass the time while zombies gut them.

« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 05:42:47 AM by Nexus »