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Author Topic: Zombies in the Bluzone** [[CLOSING]]  (Read 489749 times)

I certainly have nothing against it nor have I ever. However they'd have to deal with surviving in the Bluzone's shadow.

That is one big shadow...with a high stranded

Mm, Bluzone really has set the standard despite it degrading itself.

I'll be interested to see if anyone dares step up and tries to host something similiar.

In reference to the chatmod, that runs off of a lot of things in the server, it'd probably need a bit of re-working before a release, if it ever gets one.

Mm, Bluzone really has set the standard despite it degrading itself.

I'll be interested to see if anyone dares step up and tries to host something similiar.

In reference to the chatmod, that runs off of a lot of things in the server, it'd probably need a bit of re-working before a release, if it ever gets one.

In that case I'll talk to lugnut.

Wait, Bluzone is closing?

Welp, time to wrap up daniel jackson

he got incredibly drunk off vodka and his liver pickled to stuff and he died
the end

Really enjoying reading all your explanations about what has happened to your characters :P

william gibson


trying to save someone from the zombies

and i


reading about how bluzone was closing

william gibson


trying to save someone from the zombies


I never wanted this to happen. All this time of playing in Bluzone, it's changed me.
Reading all these stories have made me sad, and touched. So uh, I'll make my own..
Through the bomb-shelled remains of Vengeance, a note lays on a table. It reads:
"To whom this may concern: Vengeance is done, gone, finished. Too many of us have died, too many of us separated. Bluzone has become too crowded with military activity, and it frustrates me to wait underground for rescue. It isn't coming. Danilo, Jen, Roxxi, Lynn, Dalton, Marley, Alek, Kiro, hear me. You have all been a great piece in my life. I've gone through immense pain and anger. But through all these ashes, I know, that I no longer belong here. It is my destiny to move on. I have headed north-east, to start a new life. Hopefully to join a good cause. This war is stupid, and there are others who have a better chance of survival with help. I have decided to travel towards America. It will be a dangerous journey, and I may die, but it is my choice. This place reeks of too many bad memories. I suggest you do not follow me, but if you do, remember that I will be by your side no matter what. With that off my chest, I bid you all farewell. I am leaving my pistol behind, as it has killed too many friends. Good-bye, and remember, stay alive."
Chronius "Crow" Dourne,

And so Crow set off, never to return.

In relation to spin-offs, what about having a place set near the eastern coast of America, following the same storyline, but with more of a zombie danger than a military danger? I really don't want to see the Bluzone team just disbanded and thrown away, we should set ourselves another project. Please?
« Last Edit: September 13, 2012, 11:45:56 AM by Kqgqn »

Wiktor Malinowski

Went up to the North, took a plane/helicopter/ship back to Poland, met up with his family and lived happily ever after.
couldn't think of anything else, lol.

coming soon to your local gamestop.

In relation to spin-offs, what about having a place set near the eastern coast of America, following the same storyline, but with more of a zombie danger than a military danger? I really don't want to see the Bluzone team just disbanded and thrown away, we should set ourselves another project. Please?

I'm thinking of making something like Bluzone except that it takes place in the future on a Spaceship/Spacestation.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2012, 11:56:27 AM by Decimation »

the guy wasn't there
this is a different time


a different time

I really don't want to see the Bluzone team just disbanded and thrown away, we should set ourselves another project. Please?

I haven't got the time anymore to be the head of any sort of project. I will, however, gladly assist anyone but I can't promise the utmost dedication.


Lugnut's Hosting
I was one of the people that complained about Kniaz's server speed but Lugnut hosting, while kind and initially practical, was cancer to the thing. The guy got way too involved and as far as I care he contributed largely to derailing its purpose and loving it over. Kniaz seemed to get less and less control and in the end people started to think Lugnut was the creator.
The moment Lugnut came into the picture, I recall he began messing around with the evented admin controls. He strikes me as someone who would readily interfere in the server for better or for worse.

He was now dictating server hosting times. Kniaz had no choice but to let him have the final say on aspects of server management as well, I recall Kniaz saying "well thats up to Lugnut really" which put a middle man into the operations. I feel decisions were later compromised because of Lugnut's involvement and Bluzone stopped being as good as it could be. It was an extra person to consult at the end of the day. It slowed things down and I've always seen Lugnut as someone who was more interested in taking over than helping out.

The server was held together by Kniaz. The moment he wasn't there, the standards would slip, and I've never felt Lugnut quite appreciated how Bluzone was meant to be. He never kept the standard up when Kniaz was absent.

Also I also noticed the RP quality drop around the time he came in. This may have been a coincidence-- Lugnut hosting and Kniaz going public all mashed into one and I can't give accurate dates.
what the forget man you are not blaming this on me!
Besides my probably poor rp (only lasted maybe 2 months TOPS) and my rare (sometimes accidental) loving up of something important, which turned into jokes gone sour quickly, I never did the stuff you're accusing me of.
Evented admin controls? I don't think I ever went in the admin control room at all...
Dictating server times? Like loving hell. Admins hosted when they could. There /was/ no set server uptimes.
Decisions that were left totally up to me included the stuff I made, like bluzone.no-ip.org and my heavy modifications to the rpchat and other mods.

I can't deny the server slipping because kniaz wasn't there, and that was indirectly my fault: if I hadn't offered alternative hosting where any SA could host, kniaz would've been the only hoster, keeping quality up. I did always get a different feeling when he was in the server.
When it came to unbanning users, that was only ever done by kniaz. Major server decisions? Kniaz. Major events (therape incident)? Straight to kniaz with every relevant log, info, and post I could find.
Changes to rpchat or other mods? Lugnut. Why? That's my territory. I'm the coder. I make stuff.

You may have seen me refer to myself as god of the server. This was because I, as a coder, can control every aspect of the virtual world in which your blockheads walk with scripts... not because I was god of the bluzone.

I was actually intending to resolve the "everyone thinking lugnut owns the bluzone" thing by changing my ingame name. I hardly play ingame anymore, and won't until I get a better computer or some major update happens.

The worst part is, the first thing I was gonna do with my new computer (after getting everything installed) was host a session of the bluzone.

I never got to really see gammaton :(

@kqgqn, a spinoff would be worse than the bluzone. Only kniaz had the good feel of a good roleplay. His admins could moderate, but only he could rp.

It's funny, we have a ban list that's... items long.
I asked myself who was on there... it's the idiots who can't follow the rules.
Aside from a few others, who isn't on there? The idiots who CAN follow the rules.
Still idiots.

This sucks.

I haven't got the time anymore to be the head of any sort of project. I will, however, gladly assist anyone but I can't promise the utmost dedication.
This gives me hope. Even the smallest help from you would be nice.

And no, Kniaz never offered me a position as co host. He simply added me up in the op. I had no idea, and tried to say I wasn't, but he wouldn't buy it and left me as co-host.
I also never used that power save three times, the most recent of which was banning swat 3 for stuffposting.

I guess its time to make my mods standalone and release telchat...

Hey kniaz, let me know if you ever start this up again. I want in.