Author Topic: stuff she's texting me again.  (Read 4754 times)

First things first: do not tailor your life to fit hers. Make her feel special when you're talking to her, but don't be clingy and don't make her the center of all your attention. stuff gets boring fast and she will push you away quickly. You're happy and excited which is perfectly understandable. But suppress that a bit.

First things first: do not tailor your life to fit hers. Make her feel special when you're talking to her, but don't be clingy and don't make her the center of all your attention. stuff gets boring fast and she will push you away quickly. You're happy and excited which is perfectly understandable. But suppress that a bit.
Spoken from experience or copy pasta?

>dont be social outcast

That is all there is to life, if you are generally good to be around and don't act like a total tool/loser everything should go fine.

Hell naw. This is her.

Where the hell did you get her picture?

Facebook is my guess. She isn't that hot.

Facebook is my guess. She isn't that hot.
Looks decent to me I would date her.

Hell naw. This is her.
[im g][/img]
Attention whore, whores her self out to anyone, if you say you like her I bet you can ask for nude pictures in day.
I bet she is an easy forget.

Attention whore, whores her self out to anyone, if you say you like her I bet you can ask for nude pictures in day.
I bet she is an easy forget.
She takes pictures of herself in changing rooms, of course she is.

Also, that's the weirdest way to hold a phone.  Why not hold it normally?

Also, that's the weirdest way to hold a phone.  Why not hold it normally?
Like LOL u dont know how to take pictures~ haha amatur leave it 2 the pros X3 <3~
« Last Edit: April 19, 2012, 08:12:13 PM by zookuw »

Like LOL u dont know how to take pictures~ haha amatur leave it 2 the pros X3 <3~

Lol, tons of people are going to add her and troll her now.

Hell naw. This is her.
[img ][/img]
Well kid, you've got an easy girl on your hands.  Easy girls are a lot of fun.

Have a lot of fun.