Author Topic: Avatar change  (Read 909 times)

Decided to revive an old avatar. Scary.

I don't think an avatar change really deserves a topic.

didn't Chrono have that same avatar for a while too?

I don't think an avatar change really deserves a topic.

didn't Chrono have that same avatar for a while too?
Not at this speed.

That was very interesting, mr kalphitart.

what is that even
Well duh, it's Cyriak.

That's the point.

ahahaha, that video made me laugh so hard when i first saw it

Thanks for letting me know, I'll add it to my notes.

4/21/12 - Kalphiter changes his avatar

I'm joking btw

Thanks for letting me know, I'll add it to my notes.

4/21/12 - Kalphiter changes his avatar

I'm joking btw
4/21/12 - Nobot makes a post

4/21/12 - Nobot makes sa post
4/21/12 - I witness Kalphiter editing this post.

4/21/12 - I witness Kalphiter editing this post.

4/21/12 - inb4chainban

C-c-c-c-combo breaker!

Also, that avatar is...


4/21/12 - inb4chainban

4/21/12 - Yosher points out a potential incoming chainban.