Author Topic: Increase Schedules past 1000  (Read 330 times)

I've been building a zombie defense which requires that I hide and unhide 1000's of bricks at once. Whenever I try to use my toggle switches which are meant to enable and disable the build, I get the "Too many events at once" error. I've been fiddling with it for quite awhile, and it appears that no matter what I set it to it just reverts back to 1000. I tried using an ingame server options mod (I think it was Chrono's...), but that just limited it to 500.

Do I have another mod that is interfering, or is there something that I need to change elsewhere to get my limit higher?

Thanks in advance.

You shouldn't need this many schedules at once. Revise your build not use so many delayed events in the hiding process.

I actually solved the problem right as you posted it. I built and evented the castle and other pieces outside of the castle before duplicating them inside of the arena. In my idiocy I forgot that there were 2 (sometimes 3) copies of everything thus doubling (or tripling) the amount of events called.

Thanks for the reply, though.