Author Topic: King Of The Hill - WHY YOU LITTLE  (Read 73174 times)

I install v16 and claim the hill

my hill

I walk up the hill and push you off.
My hill.

I launch atomic bomb on hill

My large crater.

I bury you in lava, my obsidian filled crater.

I create a new hill.
My hill.

I teleport your hill into space
no one's hill, my crater

I fill the crater with sand burying you.

I get JFK's souls to shoot a rocked into space and retrieve the hill.

My hill, co-owner by John F Kennedy's soul.

I send you both to limbo
my asteroids that used to be earth

I clear all bricks and reload the hill.
My hill.

I shove you off the hill.
My hill.

I build a lava moat and a bridge that only activates when I am near it and push you into the lava. I then create an indestructable, bullet proof, nuke proof fortress with guards.


My defense hill.

I break the wall by poking it.
My hill.

I poke nonnel into hyperluminic speeds
I then shut down the server and go claim a hill in real life

eat it

I open the server, load the hill map, attach rockets to the bottom of the hill shooting it into space and hit earth with a fairly large darkmatter bomb

my hill

I hire engineer to defuse the dark-matter bomb in a snake rocket.

My hill floating in space