Author Topic: King Of The Hill - WHY YOU LITTLE  (Read 73113 times)

Then I drag you out of the lava.

Your pit.


My hill while you people are busy with the pit of lava. C:

I run up the hill at Think, do a backflip over him, and jump off the hill onto an adjacent desert.

My desert.

My forces open fire on your hill and begin to take ground!

Your forces push back substantially untill we roll in the Energon Tanks!

We've taken 2/3rds of the hill and and are still battling for control of the hill's owner's hill!

Suddenly, a Energon is destroyed. And another one. And another one, until all the tanks are gone. Duhman's forces push back, and I stand there with a cannon. I then make a allience with Xalos' desert nation.

My hill. Oh, and Think fell into the lava.

I backflip off the lava and eat the pit.

Someone feed me for I am pit of lava.

You are fed Cyanide.

My hill/dirt/mount/sand dune.

I am Chuck loving Norris.

My Everything.

Fkuk you i'm doge
doges eat whjiket
I start a wolf pack into constructing a new hill

ew bayformers

Were you expecting me to post classic megaton tanks!?

Im sowy. but i wus lazee.

OT:I claim the new hill. my shiny new hill.

I send Cargøn the doge after Duhman, who both fall into LegendZ the pit of lava...

Both my hills.

Cargøn the doge claims both hills after you send him to claim them and clumps both hills into a bigger hill.
My uber-hill

i am whjiket

my hills
Lol what the forget....

Cargøn the doge claims both hills after you send him to claim them and clumps both hills into a bigger hill.
My uber-hill
I flame the hills with super flamethrowers burning you guys and turning the surface to glass.

My glassy hill