Author Topic: DAY Z MEGATHREAD - OP finally gets this mod.  (Read 110853 times)

The M136 isn't a rocket propelled grenade.

EDIT: Nvm, I got it mixed up with something else. It is infact an RPG.
Well the Propelled Grenade itself is actually translated as Rocket propelled Anti-Tank Grenade. But NATO decided it was easier to call the RPG. Basically the RPG is similar to the US Bazooka from world war 2 because both warheads fired a hot stream of metal and both are reloadable. Anyway the AT4(aka M136) is single tube sold a single peice of ammunition. Once fired the tube is discarded. So basically it doesn't really matter what they are called because both weapons fire a rocket.

Speaking of the RPG, why did Bohemia decide to put the RPG7 in ARMA 2? Russia has many new versions of the weapon like the RPG-8 and RPG-29. Since Chernarus was part of the USSR I'm sure the CDF would have a bunch stocked up.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 12:00:02 AM by Harm94 »

Speaking of the RPG, why did Bohemia decide to put the RPG7 in ARMA 2? Russia has many new versions of the weapon like the RPG-8 and RPG-29. Since Chernarus was part of the USSR I'm sure the CDF would have a bunch stocked up.
The CDF and Chedaki mostly got old and cheap russian equipment and not newer stuff. It makes sense that they still use the RPG7 which is a reliable and cheap rocket launcher and it is certainly more efficent to use than disposal RPGs. Also the  NAPA make use of older russian equipment which was stolen from the CDF or maybe bought on a black market ( Where the hell did they get T34s ?).
Finally Chernarus is not the only USSR country that got old Russian equipment for their millitary.

> 6 hours into a game
> Collected ALICE pack, Shotgun, Hatchet, tons of ammo/food/supplies, pretty much set to go
> Running through forest when suddenly: BROKEN LEGS OUT OF NOWHERE
> Notice everyone else on the server died to
> Everyone is freaking the forget out over mic
> Hacker killed everyone on the server by breaking their legs

>Playing on a server
>people start talking on the teamspeak for the server
>people saying day Z
>British guy says day Z

Guys its day ZED not Z DayZ sounds like a flower.

>Playing on a server
>people start talking on the teamspeak for the server
>people saying day Z
>British guy says day Z

Guys its day ZED not Z DayZ sounds like a flower.

But does it really matter how we pronounce it? I mean, really.

Anyone know some good ways to find weapons?

Just had to kill a guy after he was taking stuff from my bag.

Anyone know some good ways to find weapons?

go into cities

go into cities
Okay something that wont get my ass raped.

Okay something that wont get my ass raped.

sorry then no guns for people who don't take risks

look for deer stands and barns then
and please use the dayzdb map

Okay something that wont get my ass raped.
Don't worry, he's wrong anyways. Go to Stary Sobor and if you survive go to the NW Airfield that isn't far from it. You'll come out with some kind of badass gun.

Deer stands arent reliable for some reason. they have A: Tin cans or that stupid RPG.

Deer stands arent reliable for some reason. they have A: Tin cans or that stupid RPG.
Deer Stands are iffy with me. I find AK74s and AKMs which are nice, then another time I found a DMR.

But then there are the times when I find bullstuff like sodas and heatpacks.