Author Topic: ■ The Photography Megathread ■  (Read 244447 times)

Seeing the NES picture, I decided I'll give a similar type shot a try and this is what I got.


Yes the camera is fine in this next shot, it was a miserable live stream night but my laptop and stuff survived amazingly.


I do like these pictures alot, your iPad's back doesn't look... Normal. It looks like it's made of steel or something lol.
Btw, all of the pictures I'll post here can be rated (because I won't post crappy pictures here).

NOTE : I posted some pictures on the previous page, please look at them.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2013, 11:01:48 AM by sonic38 »

And I'm back with more random stuff I do when I have a moment of free time from work and college.  I plan on hitting this trail that runs behind my neighborhood a few times this fall to get as many fall like photos of it as possible.

I will have to double post just to keep this thread alive here.

I have been compiling fall photos for a couple days now and will keep throughout the month or something like that.

I also recently bought a 1.8g  50mm lens for some low light photography.  Nothing fancy, didn't want to spend more than 200 on it.  Still learning how to function with it better so some of these photo's aren't exactly the best quality.

I shot some photos of birds in my backyard this evening, god robins are territorial little forgets as two of them swooped at me while I was standing on my deck.
No these are not of robins, this one is a red headed wood pecker eating the black rot off one of our trees.

I really like this one

it's like, national geographic worthy

I think I take too many photos sometimes....

25,000 pixel wide panoramic scaled to a mere 5,856x889 of the sunrise by my house.  Let me know if anyone wants the full res for posters or some stuff like that.

recently i've been trying to learn how to use an actual real camera (as opposed to a phone camera)
i'm not really a ~serious photographer~ or anything i just like walking around and taking pictures of stuff
but anyway here's some pictures i've taken over the past few days
(click the images for full size)

Found a photo I took during my summer vacation in the archives of my email

Incoming picture dump

I don't really like this one but I still think it's interesting to show

Went offroading Saturday and took a bunch of pictures. One of my favorites:

« Last Edit: December 02, 2013, 01:04:27 AM by Soukuw »

I'm back with some nice pictures I made with my phone (again).

This is what photography for art school looks like.

First day of shooting with my first DSLR.
