Author Topic: ■ The Photography Megathread ■  (Read 244208 times)

I shoot almost everything with a half broken Nikkor 50 1.8 D

Also I've posted a few pieces of writing and a series of photos I don't think I posted here on my blog:

The D is fine, but I'm tired of using screw AF, and I want something a little sturdier.

The D is fine, but I'm tired of using screw AF, and I want something a little sturdier.
See I used my friend's 50 1.4 G and was not impressed (focusing wise; the bokeh is incredible). D700 driving the 50 1.8 D gives ridiculously fast and accurate focusing: anything with an AF-S motor feels slow in comparison now :/

It's quick on mt D600, but I can't stand the electric drill sound. I tried the 1.8G in best buy and it seemed a lot sharper and the "bokeh balls" had less of a bright outline.

This is all superficial, but isn't everything in photography? lol
« Last Edit: July 01, 2014, 08:56:28 PM by Bones4 »

Yeaaah. I mean at this point in my personal work I really try to avoid having anything out of focus in my pictures except for very few instances. I'm really looking for sharpness and clarity across the entire frame.

Yep. I'd rather have a sharp lens with great bokeh than a not as sharp lens with amazing bokeh

That's one struggle I have with doing commercial or event type stuff that basically forces me to shoot at low aperture: I'm so not used to the vignetting, radial loss of sharpness, and sometimes (especially if the lens isn't clean) I get a sort of halo loss of sharpness. Eww.

>f/8 4lyfe

I rarely go past f5

I also just got a return label for my 3rd party grip and ordered the MB-D14.

I took the battery out of the 3rd party one to charge it and noticed the grip was separating in the middle around the tripod hole. I don't trust that on a tripod OR a strap that's going to use it... and I'm waiting on my black rapid strap to come in. Oh well. I'll make the money back soon enough.

I am kinda stoked for the nikon grip quality though

I really like those last 2 images.

love the colouring in the second one

Nice. The bars to the left in the last one seem to throw the image off-balance a bit, but nice job. I always love seeing your stuff, Bones.

Thanks, man. I did this one just now