Author Topic: ■ The Photography Megathread ■  (Read 244217 times)

oh i forgot about this thread

Last week I had a meeting with some members from another local community to plan out our new photo club
Our first shoot will be a holiday-themed studio shoot mid december

this is so beautiful

i dont have a camera i can actually take good pictures with :( i wish i did tho. i feel like i have an eye for photography but i will never know as i dont have the desire to actually sit down and learn photography

that was actually taken with my S4 and I kinda touched it up in photoshop

I have limited knowledge on cameras but I have a camera like this

It's a fujifilm finepix s6800.
I mostly want to use it for nature pics.

My question is what kind of tripod would you recommend?
and what is the thing called that's like an extension for the shutter button but it's longer and prevents moment when you take the picture?

>I have limited knowledge on cameras
>prevents moment when you take the picture?

but to answer you, that camera otherwise is a piece of stuff and I know from experience, which is only bad for the quality of your pictures. But if you can look past pixels by inch then otherwise any tripod would be fine, majority of them are universal.

and that weird jumble of words might be "Long Exposure Photography" if that's what you're referring to. And I could be wrong but I don't think that camera supports long exposures, so if that's what you're after you're better off buying a new camera.

My question is what kind of tripod would you recommend?
and what is the thing called that's like an extension for the shutter button but it's longer and prevents moment when you take the picture?
Assuming it has a screw thread at the bottom, any tripod. The screw mount is standardized.
And what you're looking for is a cable release/remote shutter release, but I'm not sure that camera would even support it. You might have to use the self timer instead.

And what do you mean by "nature"
Animal life or plant life?
« Last Edit: December 13, 2015, 11:29:08 AM by Headcrab Zombie »

Yesterday I got my annual bonus from work

and then today it was gone

(hurr durr cell phone photo cuz i had to wait for the camera's battery to charge)

i'll give you a buck fiddy for them

Did some experiments with auto FP flash with my only willing model : my cat

This one was taken indoors, at iso 100, F/8, 1/2500th, with the flash at about 45 degrees above him

I'm still getting used to just how short of a depth of field a full frame sensor gives compared to aps-c. Even at f/8, with focus on my cat's eye, the nose is noticeably out of focus if you look 100% crop. And the ears are noticeably out even without crop
« Last Edit: February 03, 2016, 12:25:30 AM by Headcrab Zombie »

Ah yeah I see, but nonetheless it's not that noticeable and still gives out some good lookin' quality pics.

Yeah it's not bad at all, it's just surprising is what I'm saying