Author Topic: Which seat do I take? -Serious thread is serious-  (Read 1166 times)

My friends came to pick me up. However there's a dilemma. I don't know what seat to sit in.

Some of them are chilling in the front seat, and some are kickin' in the back seat. I don't know which ones to sit with.

So please help me. I know you guys have no social life or experience so you'll be a great help for sure.

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« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 01:54:39 AM by Badspot »

I know you guys have no social life or experience

internet tough guy

The ultimate question

Stay home....The internet needs you...

Don't leave us

the best seat is right in front of the car, and then make sure they drive forward and you end up underneath at least 1 of the wheels.

the one with the steering thingy right in front of it

First make sure a 13-year-old isn't driving the car.

Back seat, make sure your hand is a dolphin, that's important

you ride on the roof so you can get your face pretty hitting at the tree branches and lamp posts

it's ok I'm driving the most I ever went I've the limit was 20 something

it's ok I'm driving the most I ever went I've the limit was 20 something
Bitch please, I've went 50 over. In broad daylight.

Ride shotgun. Always, whenever you have the chance

It really depends on what you want to do more, do you want to chill or do you want to kick?

Personally I'd go for a combination of the two where I kick the driver out of the car so that I can chill in his seat :cookieMonster:

Bitch please, I've went 50 over. In broad daylight.

that's why I'm driving and your not

yea listening to music and talking and suddenly looked at the speedometer and saw like 85 I thought I died 

The car is over crowded, You'll be arrested. Walk instead.