Author Topic: Console Command List (Please suggest.)  (Read 2453 times)

Pref commands

$pref::Audio::channelVolume1 = 1;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume2 = 1;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume3 = 1;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume4 = 1;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume5 = 1;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume6 = 1;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume7 = 1;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume8 = 1;
$pref::Audio::driver = "OpenAL";
$pref::Audio::environmentEnabled = 0;
$pref::Audio::forceMaxDistanceUpdate = 0;
$pref::Audio::masterVolume = "1";
$Pref::Audio::MenuSounds = 1;
$Pref::Audio::PlantErrorSound = 0;
$Pref::Audio::PlayBrickMoveSound = "1";
$Pref::Audio::PlayBrickPlantSound = "1";
$Pref::Audio::PlayMusic = 1;
$pref::autoVisibleDistance = "1";
$pref::Avatar::Accent = "0";
$pref::Avatar::AccentColor = "0.901961 0.341176 0.0784314 1";
$pref::Avatar::Authentic = "0";
$Pref::Avatar::Chest = "0";
$pref::Avatar::ChestColor = "7";
$pref::Avatar::DecalColor = "55";
$Pref::Avatar::DecalName = "Add-Ons/Decal_Jirue/DrKleiner.png";
$pref::Avatar::FaceColor = "47";
$Pref::Avatar::FaceName = "Add-Ons/Face_Default/smileyBlonde.png";
$pref::Avatar::Hat = "7";
$pref::Avatar::HatColor = "0.900 0.900 0.900 1.000";
$pref::Avatar::HeadColor = "1 0.878431 0.611765 1";
$Pref::Avatar::Hip = "0";
$pref::Avatar::HipColor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
$Pref::Avatar::LArm = "0";
$pref::Avatar::LArmColor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
$Pref::Avatar::LHand = "0";
$pref::Avatar::LHandColor = "1 0.878431 0.611765 1";
$Pref::Avatar::LLeg = "0";
$pref::Avatar::LLegColor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
$pref::Avatar::Pack = "0";
$pref::Avatar::PackColor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
$Pref::Avatar::RArm = "0";
$pref::Avatar::RArmColor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
$Pref::Avatar::RHand = "0";
$pref::Avatar::RHandColor = "1 0.878431 0.611765 1";
$Pref::Avatar::RLeg = "0";
$pref::Avatar::RLegColor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
$Pref::Avatar::SecondPack = "0";
$pref::Avatar::SecondPackColor = "0 1 0 1";
$pref::Avatar::Symmetry = "";
$pref::Avatar::TorsoColor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
$pref::botdetect::blocktime = "5";
$pref::botdetect::enabled = "1";
$pref::botdetect::limit = "800";
$pref::botdetect::timeout = "5000";
$Pref::BrickFX::Color = "1";
$Pref::BrickFX::Shape = "1";
$pref::BrickFXQuality = 0;
$Pref::Chat::CacheLines = 1000;
$pref::Chat::ChatBufferSize = "200.000000";
$pref::Chat::ChatRepeat = 0;
$Pref::Chat::CurseFilter = 1;
$Pref::Chat::CurseList = "bitch";
$Pref::Chat::FontSize = 14;
$Pref::Chat::LineTime = "6500";
$Pref::Chat::MaxDisplayLines = "8";
$Pref::Chat::ShowAllLines = 1;
$pref::ChatHudLength = 1;
$pref::client::lastUpnpError = 0;
$pref::Client::lastVCEManualCache = "4";
$Pref::Client::ShownVCEManual = 1;
$Pref::Client::ShowVCEHandshake = 0;
$pref::CloudOutline = "0";
$pref::CloudsOn = "1";
$pref::Debug::ShowFXGrassMessages = 0;
$pref::Debug::ShowShapeMessages = 0;
$pref::Debug::ShowStringMessages = 0;
$pref::Decal::decalTimeout = "5000";
$pref::Decal::maxNumDecals = "256";
$pref::decalsOn = "1";
$pref::dofSamples = 64;
$Pref::Duplicator::AdminOnly = "0";
$Pref::Duplicator::Item = "1";
$Pref::Duplicator::MaxBricks::Admin = "50000";
$Pref::Duplicator::MaxBricks::NonAdmin = "10000";
$Pref::Duplicator::RotateSpecial = "1";
$Pref::Duplicator::SaveLoad = "1";
$Pref::Duplicator::TimeoutA::Admin = "0";
$Pref::Duplicator::TimeoutA::NonAdmin = "0";
$Pref::Duplicator::TimeoutB::Admin = "0";
$Pref::Duplicator::TimeoutB::NonAdmin = "0";
$Pref::Duplicator::TimeoutC::Admin = "0";
$Pref::Duplicator::TimeoutC::NonAdmin = "0";
$Pref::Duplicator::TooFar = "0";
$Pref::Duplicator::Trust = "2";
$Pref::Duplicator::UndoMode = "2";
$pref::Editor::visibleDistance = "5";
$pref::environmentMaps = "1";
$Pref::Filter::CurrentVersion = "0";
$Pref::Filter::Dedicated = "0";
$Pref::Filter::LinuxServer = 0;
$pref::Filter::maxPing = "999";
$pref::Filter::minCpu = "100";
$pref::Filter::minPlayers = "0";
$Pref::Filter::NoPassword = "0";
$Pref::Filter::NotEmpty = "0";
$Pref::Filter::NotFull = "0";
$Pref::Filter::TeamDamageOff = 0;
$Pref::Filter::TeamDamageOn = 0;
$pref::Grass::replicationRatio = "1";
$pref::Gui::AutoQueryMasterServer = "1";
$Pref::Gui::ChatSize = "4";
$Pref::Gui::ColorEscapeMenu = "1";
$Pref::Gui::IgnoreFastLoadWarning = "0";
$Pref::Gui::IgnorePortForwardWarning = "0";
$Pref::Gui::IgnoreRemoteSaveWarning = "1";
$pref::Gui::ShowBrickSlotNumbers = "1";
$Pref::Gui::ShowDemosButton = 0;
$Pref::Gui::ShowPlayerListBLIDs = "1";
$pref::HUD::HideBrickBox = "1";
$pref::HUD::HidePaintBox = "1";
$pref::HUD::HideToolBox = "1";
$pref::Hud::RecolorBrickIcons = 1;
$pref::HUD::showToolTips = "1";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickFlashoffset = "0.3";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickFlashRange = "0.3";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickFlashTime = "800";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickInsideBlue = "0";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickInsideGreen = "0";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickInsideRed = "0";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickInsideUsePaintColor = 0;
$pref::HUD::tempBrickOutsideBlue = "1";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickOutsideGreen = "1";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickOutsideRed = "1";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickOutsideUsePaintColor = 1;
$pref::HudMessageLogSize = 40;
$pref::Input::AutoLight = "1";
$Pref::Input::DefaultKeyboard = 0;
$pref::Input::FastFirstThirdPerson = "0";
$pref::Input::JoystickEnabled = "0";
$pref::Input::KeyboardEnabled = "1";
$pref::Input::KeyboardTurnSpeed = "0.5";
$pref::Input::LinkMouseSensitivity = 1;
$pref::Input::MacroRate = 110;
$pref::Input::MouseEnabled = "0";
$pref::Input::MouseInvert = "0";
$pref::Input::MouseSensitivity = "0.75";
$pref::Input::noobjet = "0";
$pref::Input::QueueBrickBuying = "1";
$pref::Input::ReverseBrickScroll = "0";
$Pref::Input::SelectedDefaults = 1;
$pref::Input::UseAutoReturnSteering = "1";
$pref::Input::UseStrafeSteering = "1";
$pref::Input::UseSuperShiftSmartToggle = "1";
$pref::Input::UseSuperShiftToggle = "1";
$Pref::Input::VehicleMouseInvert = "1";
$pref::Interior::detailAdjust = "1";
$pref::Interior::DynamicLights = "1";
$pref::Interior::LightUpdatePeriod = "66";
$pref::Interior::lockArrays = "1";
$pref::interior::showdetailmaps = 0;
$pref::Interior::ShowEnvironmentMaps = "0";
$pref::Interior::TexDetail = "0";
$pref::Interior::TexturedFog = "1";
$pref::Interior::VertexLighting = "0";
$pref::LightingQuality = 1;
$pref::LoadBrickOwnership = "1";
$Pref::Logic_Bricks::ShowGateTips = "1";
$Pref::Logic_Bricks::ShowWireTips = "1";
$Pref::Music::CheckRate = 500;
$Pref::Music::Favs::Count = 0;
$Pref::Net::ConnectionType = "4";
$Pref::Net::DisableUPnP = "0";
$Pref::Net::DownloadDebris = 0;
$Pref::Net::DownloadExplosions = 0;
$Pref::Net::DownloadItems = 0;
$Pref::Net::DownloadMusic = "1";
$Pref::Net::DownloadProjectiles = 0;
$Pref::Net::DownloadSounds = "1";
$Pref::Net::DownloadTextures = "1";
$Pref::Net::LagThreshold = "400";
$Pref::Net::MaxSimultaneousPings = 10;
$pref::Net::PacketRateToClient = "32";
$pref::Net::PacketRateToServer = "32";
$pref::Net::PacketSize = "1023";
$Pref::Net::ServerType = "Internet";
$pref::NumCloudLayers = "3";
$pref::OpenGL::allowCompression = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::allowTexGen = "1";
$pref::OpenGL::anisotropy = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableARBMultitexture = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableARBTextureCompression = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableEXTCompiledVertexArray = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableEXTFogCoord = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableEXTPalettedTexture = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableEXTTexEnvCombine = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableSubImage = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::doAnimatedLights = "1";
$pref::OpenGL::force16BitTexture = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::forcePalettedTexture = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::gammaCorrection = "0.5";
$pref::OpenGL::interiorMipReduction = 50;
$pref::OpenGL::maxDynLights = "5";
$pref::OpenGL::maxHardwareLights = "8";
$pref::OpenGL::noDrawArraysAlpha = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::noEnvColor = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::noVertexBufferObjects = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::numFSAASamples = 16;
$pref::OpenGL::skyTexDetail = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::texDetail = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::textureAnisotropy = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::textureTrilinear = "1";
$pref::OpenGL::useGLNearest = "0";
$pref::ParticleDetail = "1";
$pref::ParticleFalloffMaxLevel = "3";
$pref::ParticleFalloffMinDistance = "35";
$pref::ParticleQuality = "0";
$pref::Physics::Enabled = 1;
$pref::Physics::MaxBricks = 100;
$pref::PhysicsQuality = 1;
$Pref::Player::ClanPrefix = "";
$Pref::Player::ClanSuffix = "";
$Pref::player::CurrentFOV = 5;
$pref::Player::defaultFov = 90;
$pref::Player::LANName = "Allen";
$pref::Player::NetName = "Skyrim";
$pref::Player::renderMyItems = "1";
$pref::Player::renderMyJets = "0";
$pref::Player::renderMyPlayer = "1";
$pref::Player::Symmetry = "1";
$pref::Player::zoomSpeed = 5;
$pref::precipitationOn = "1";
$pref::SaveExtendedBrickInfo = 1;
$pref::SaveOwnership = 1;
$pref::sceneLighting::cacheLighting = 1;
$pref::sceneLighting::cacheSize = 20000;
$pref::sceneLighting::purgeMethod = "lastCreated";
$pref::sceneLighting::terrainGenerateLevel = 1;
$pref::screenshotNumber = 36;
$Pref::ScriptVersion = "20";
$pref::ShadowQuality = "0";
$pref::ShadowResolution = "0";
$pref::shadows = 1;
$pref::SkyOn = "1";
$pref::Terrain::dynamicLights = "1";
$pref::Terrain::enableDetails = "1";
$pref::Terrain::enableEmbossBumps = "1";
$pref::Terrain::screenError = "5";
$pref::Terrain::texDetail = "0";
$pref::Terrain::textureCacheSize = "220";
$pref::TextureQuality = "0";
$pref::TS::autoDetail = "1";
$pref::TS::detailAdjust = "1";
$pref::TS::fogTexture = "0";
$pref::TS::screenError = "0.001";
$pref::TS::skipFirstFog = "0";
$pref::TS::skipLoadDLs = "0";
$pref::TS::skipRenderDLs = "0";
$pref::TS::UseTriangles = "0";
$pref::Video::allowD3D = "1";
$pref::Video::allowOpenGL = "1";
$pref::Video::appliedPref = "1";
$pref::Video::clipHigh = "0";
$pref::Video::defaultsRenderer = "GeForce 8400GS/PCIe/SSE2";
$pref::Video::defaultsVendor = "NVIDIA Corporation";
$pref::Video::deleteContext = "1";
$pref::Video::disableVerticalSync = "1";
$pref::Video::displayDevice = "OpenGL";
$pref::Video::fullScreen = "0";
$pref::Video::monitorNum = 0;
$pref::Video::only16 = "0";
$pref::Video::preferOpenGL = "1";
$pref::Video::profiledRenderer = "GeForce 8400GS/PCIe/SSE2";
$pref::Video::profiledVendor = "NVIDIA Corporation";
$pref::Video::resolution = "800 600 32 60";
$pref::Video::safeModeOn = "1";
$pref::Video::screenShotFormat = "JPG";
$pref::Video::useSmallPlantErrors = "0";
$pref::Video::windowedRes = "800 600";
$pref::visibleDistanceMax = "1000";
$pref::visibleDistanceMod = "1";
$pref::Zombies::Difficulty = 1;
$pref::Zombies::DirectorTick = 8;

WARNING!!! Extremely dangerous below.
revoke(); - The worse of them all. Revokes the typer's key.
deletedatablocks(); - Deletes datablocks. Don't test.
crash(); - Crashes game.
quit(); - Alike crash, but does not crash the game. Instead, it just quits with no hassles.
End of extremely dangerous commands.
talk(text); - Allows you to talk as console.
announce(text); - Makes a yellow text appear in the chat bar without it showing anyone saying it.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2012, 11:44:49 AM by acj2001 »

function revoke(); does not exist, why have you just copy and pasted the clients pref list. Peopole can just find the file themselves without the expense of a 600 word post

deletedatablocks(); - Deletes datablocks. Don't test.

Common misconception: This command is dangerous.

wtf is this crap and why do we always get one of these every month

there are tons and tons and tons of commands. and out of all of them you picked prefs that are easily changeable anyway. good luck listing every single command ever.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2012, 12:01:56 PM by SpreadsPlague »

wtf is this crap and why do we always get one of these every month

there are tons and tons and tons of commands. and out of all of them you picked prefs that are easily changeable anyway. good luck listing every single command ever.

challenge accepted

(some are from add-ons)
« Last Edit: May 02, 2012, 12:04:42 PM by Port »

wtf is this crap and why do we always get one of these every month

there are tons and tons and tons of commands. and out of all of them you picked prefs that are easily changeable anyway. good luck listing every single command ever.

its not made any better by the fact a new command can early be made.

function newcmd(){} hey, look there another!

-somebody posted whist typing random stuff-

challenge accepted

this should be good :P

Does this really do so?

Does this really do so?

echo(isfunction(revoke)); returns 0

function doesn't exist.

The dangerous functions aren't dangerous

A way of loading any addon WITHOUT a server restart.
step 1. in the console type:
exec("add-ons/[addon name]/server.cs");

Step two: load any map (even the same one you are on)
Step Three: enjoy your newly loaded addons

Disclaimer: There is a chance some clients may crash.

Edit: another recent huge list of commands:

Double edit: to find commands just type an 'a' in your console and hit tab (each time you hit tab it shows the next command) works with any letter or $
« Last Edit: May 02, 2012, 02:21:08 PM by zmaster »

6/288 things you listed are actually commands

Do I win?

Do I win?
woah, thank you. (srsly, needed to figure out that)
also, this is what i use for console commands:

Do I win?
I thought this was coming.