Author Topic: Old vista laptop blue screens on startup.  (Read 1308 times)

Happens immediately as the OS starts loading.

Posting from my phone due to lack of computer.

Typically BSOD's are hardware failures.  Unless this is a computer you've custom built yourself or the warranty is expired (which is likely considering it's old enough to have Vista), then send it in to the manufacturer.

Uh, aren't BSoDs solid blue?

The problem is in the title.

Its Old, and its a Vista

Uh, aren't BSoDs solid blue?
He might have one those old screens that look forgety at certain angles. Also cams + screens = fail so that might cause that black.

But yea VISTA is your issue.

Its Old, and its a Vista
But yea VISTA is your issue.
If this is your only "solution", I advise you never post in a computer advice thread ever again.  This kind of bullstuff is really unacceptable and solves nothing.  Regardless of poor RAM management and a lack of built-in driver support in its release, Vista remained a good placeholder OS until the arrival of Windows 7.  For people who have Vista and can't afford Windows 7, most of its problems have been addressed in the metric forgetload of patches and support Microsoft gave for it.

I believe that's an operating system failure.

It's letting me do a system restore via some recovery mode vista has. I'll try it and see if it helps at all. If it really is a hardware failiure, then it's a good thing a replacement of this computer is in the works.

The system recovery in Vista and 7 are really successful in most cases.

If this is your only "solution", I advise you never post in a computer advice thread ever again.  This kind of bullstuff is really unacceptable and solves nothing.  Regardless of poor RAM management and a lack of built-in driver support in its release, Vista remained a good placeholder OS until the arrival of Windows 7.  For people who have Vista and can't afford Windows 7, most of its problems have been addressed in the metric forgetload of patches and support Microsoft gave for it.
I didn't mean in it a dumb ass way. I was stating that VISTA never was a good operating system and that he had a OS problem. Also I'm pretty sure there is a free Vista to 7 update on the windows site.

I didn't mean in it a dumb ass way. I was stating that VISTA never was a good operating system and that he had a OS problem. Also I'm pretty sure there is a free Vista to 7 update on the windows site.

Except that it isn't an OS problem, it's a hardware problem and you're giving dumb advice that makes no sense.

Except that it isn't an OS problem, it's a hardware problem and you're giving dumb advice that makes no sense.
At least I tried to contribute...

Tried repairing Windows with the CD?

Tried repairing Windows with the CD?
Not a chance. Disk is long gone.