Author Topic: adblock for ponies  (Read 7556 times)

tikitai as i see it it's reasonable because as people can like ponies like any other show or "hobby", they may dislike it as well and it doesn't mean they have any kind of disability. it's a preference, more likely just not being used to this big change in male/female roles.

I dont like MLP. I dont want to see it.
Whenever I do see it, I remember there are forgetbrains like you that like that stuff and become more ashamed of humanity.

This is exactly how Id expect a fan to act.

though i can't say it's reasonable to hate others for having said preferences.

I don't hate them because they like something I dont. I hate them for how they show how much they like it..over, and over, and over.

and you know what? a lot of people, me included, hate those people (read: you) for showing how much they hate bronies...over, and over, and over

it's a vicious cycle and it's going nowhere so how about we all just sit down and shut the forget up already

try being the one less person who complains 24/7 and maybe, just maybe, someone on the other side will do the same

i don't exactly know what to say, because i  know where people are coming from: pony pictures can be an unmitigated disaster- remember tony's pony raid in the hot anime girls topic? yeah.

i don't hate them for liking the show, it's decent, i loving hate it when they think it's the greatest stuff ever made
people just want something to bitch about and it's an easy target because it's "abnormal"
cue "furfriendry"

i don't exactly know what to say, because i  know where people are coming from: pony pictures can be an unmitigated disaster- remember tony's pony raid in the hot anime girls topic? yeah.

difference: lord tony was troll cancer

if images from a cartoon really bother you that much then you've got a problem
If you jack off and make research fan art for a show meant for 7 year old girls, and think its 'hip' if you like it, then you've got a problem.

If you jack off and make research fan art for a show meant for 7 year old girls, and think its 'hip' if you like it, then you've got a problem.
blah blah generalize blah blah

am i the only one experiencing deja vu?

If you jack off and make research fan art for a show meant for 7 year old girls, and think its 'hip' if you like it, then you've got a problem.
you are being a friend because not nearly every mlp fan does this

blah blah generalize blah blah

am i the only one experiencing deja vu?
am i the only one experiencing bronies knowing im right and being too afraid to admit it?

If you jack off and make research fan art for a show meant for 7 year old girls, and think its 'hip' if you like it, then you've got a problem.

oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize my hobbies affected you personally

yes, I have what you and a majority of the world would call a "problem", what of it?

Every time there is a thread remotely against bronies the only people that post "stuff storm coming" are bronies. They want there to be a stuffstorm just to draw more attention to themselves and their special interest.

OP just made the biggest mistake yet, for creating this certain thread, I would suggest locking this thread now.