Author Topic: adblock for ponies  (Read 7337 times)

difference: lord tony was troll cancer
the only thing seperating you and tony is an avatar and a different personality

same could be said for anyone.

oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize my hobbies affected you personally

yes, I have what you and a majority of the world would call a "problem", what of it?
Yes, it affects me and lots of other people personally because it stuffs up the forums, google, other forums, and spray websites.

Now, there are only a few websites that aren't a new haven for bronies.

Blocking most images would possible if it was necessary and if Google provided a simple API or the source/database of Reverse Image Search, which can generate a few short statements to describe an image. The rest would be as simple as querying a small database of terms and checking with fuzzy search if they were in the description.

Every time there is a thread remotely against bronies the only people that post "stuff storm coming" are bronies. They want there to be a stuffstorm just to draw more attention to themselves and their special interest.

oh look, lord tony's back

Yes, it affects me and lots of other people personally because it stuffs up the forums, google, other forums, and spray websites.

Now, there are only a few websites that aren't a new haven for bronies.

okay, see, I asked you how what I do affects you but your response makes it sound like you're accusing me of posting pony research all over the internet

oh look, lord tony's back
Hate to break it, Plexious is not Lord Tony, he is Jasa. Lets say that he acts like Lord Tony.

hey guys, if you want to not help this guy find an adblock, take it over to the MLP thread. I'm sure that 7k pages of meaningless bickering will find your answer.

tikitai as i see it it's reasonable because as people can like ponies like any other show or "hobby", they may dislike it as well and it doesn't mean they have any kind of disability. it's a preference, more likely just not being used to this big change in male/female roles.
I dont like MLP. I dont want to see it.
Whenever I do see it, I remember there are forgetbrains like you that like that stuff and become more ashamed of humanity.

This is exactly how Id expect a fan to act.
this isnt a disability?

then i really dont know what it is

You guys can't even handle a simple request. All op asked for was a simple way to block images he doesn't enjoy seeing, why is this such a problem? It's not a direct attack against anyone and he isn't insulting people with it. I think the forums has a sever case of "i can't accept other peoples feelings".

"i can't accept other peoples feelings".
yeah it's pretty much this on both sides

You guys can't even handle a simple request. All op asked for was a simple way to block images he doesn't enjoy seeing, why is this such a problem? It's not a direct attack against anyone and he isn't insulting people with it. I think the forums has a sever case of "i can't accept other peoples feelings".
the bronies cant handle people not wanting to see ponies and the anti-bronies get their panties in a bunch whenever they see anything at all related to ponies

how is this news to you?

how is this news to you?
some people prefer ignoring things unlike some other people

the bronies cant handle people not wanting to see ponies and the anti-bronies get their panties in a bunch whenever they see anything at all related to ponies

how is this news to you?
it's not news

he's probably stating how it's a repetitive and annoying pattern.

the bronies cant handle people not wanting to see ponies and the anti-bronies get their panties in a bunch whenever they see anything at all related to ponies

how is this news to you?
Because I was commenting on this particular topic and not bronies and anti-bronies in general?

this isnt a disability?

Not in the least sense.

You seem to think that everyone that's against the whole my little pony fanbase has some sort of problem. Maybe it's your problem if more than three quarters of the community can't stand you('re hobbies and interests).

The fact that none of you 'bronies' cannot comprehend this shows a lot about the whole fanbase. Yes, it may be generalizing, but I can see that a lot of people are getting really tired of your facade.

Because I was commenting on this particular topic and not bronies and anti-bronies in general?
yeah and its because of the bronies and anti bronies that this thread is turning into a stufffest, and no one can handle this simple request.