Author Topic: Peculiar performance drop on external monitor?  (Read 1514 times)

I got sick of living in 1024x600, so I attached a spare monitor that was laying around to my computer.
I felt like giving blockland a shot, so I loaded it up and moved it onto the external screen.

I got about 5 fps on the main menu.

I tried changing the resolution down to 800x600, that gave me about 10 fps.

I load up into a server for stuffs and giggles at 1024x768, I got about 5-10 fps.

Any ideas?
Not sure what kind of information I should give, so ask questions, please.

The monitor works fine for web browsing and other activities (read:anything but blockland (haven't tried any other games))

stuffs and giggles

monitor has nothing to do with how a game can run (though higher resolution use, pushes games a lil harder)

its mostly about the video card within your computer, not the monitor that is displaying things.


monitor has nothing to do with how a game can run (though higher resolution use, pushes games a lil harder)

its mostly about the video card within your computer, not the monitor that is displaying things.
The facinating thing I forgot to mention is that when I was derping with linux, I ran blockland as a test, same monitor, got the same abysmal framerate.


well they are using the same video card. hardware is hardware, regardless of the OS you switch to.

But why is the performance seemingly crushed by moving the game to one monitor over another??

video drivers up to date/etc?

show us your dxdiag

both the system and display

video drivers up to date/etc?
as best as I can tell, again, I get at least 100fps on the main menu on the main monitor
show us your dxdiag

both the system and display
coming right up

But why is the performance seemingly crushed by moving the game to one monitor over another??

monitors from a different era may have a different native resolution.

do they both do just as well on 800x600?
remember blockland should be in full screen mode, and running on 800x600 when testing this.

i never recommend a crappier computer run games in window mode.

if by moving, you mean you have 2 monitors plugged in at once. then its a good chance that your video card is splitting the rendering resources 50/50, not giving a damn what is running on either side.
nvidia has a fix for this. amd/ati does not.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 01:05:56 AM by Bisjac »

screenshot uploader is failing me, you'll have to settle for a dxdiag.txt

i'm using a stuffty intel integrated card

again, the odd part is that it's only affecting one monitor, not the other.

i still get playable framerate on the main monitor
« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 01:14:43 AM by Lugnut1206 »

fail at copy/paste:


monitor has nothing to do with how a game can run (though higher resolution use, pushes games a lil harder)

its mostly about the video card within your computer, not the monitor that is displaying things.

Actually I think a larger monitor puts more strain on the GPU. This shouldn't be a problem with pretty much any graphics card but if you have a really stuffty one it's possible I think.


Intel graphics. Pretty sure that could be it.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 01:21:05 AM by Mulch »


Is this what's causing the MAJOR PERFORMANCE DROP when going from ONE MONITOR TO THE OTHER?

I'm well aware this is why my performance is poor all around, but that doesn't explain losing 90 fps just going 6 pixels to the right!

EDIT: sorry about the outburst, i feel like my statements aren't getting across right now
« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 01:26:55 AM by Lugnut1206 »

6 pixels over?

do you have 2 monitors plugged in at once?
that greatly grinds performance on even good comps.