Author Topic: Pixel Art  (Read 791805 times)

the lava looks a little forgety to me but other than that it's nice

the lava looks a little forgety to me but other than that it's nice

and here's a taurus raging bull
might be the last pixel art of a gun for a bit because i've got no ideas on what to make next

plus blued version
« Last Edit: May 18, 2017, 08:06:32 AM by Bloo Kirby the 2nd »

make a shotgun if possible

make something that isn't guns
to narrow the amount of everything you can make so it isn't too hard to think of something, try making food???

make something that isn't guns
to narrow the amount of everything you can make so it isn't too hard to think of something, try making food???
whenever i make something that isn't guns it's stuff

whenever i make something that isn't guns it's stuff
well u'r guns aren''''''t gooo,d,.,, so,...,,........

well u'r guns aren''''''t gooo,d,.,, so,...,,........
do you just need to insult everything related to me? Did i run over your dog or something?

Bunch of art I did while I frequented Gaiaonline:

(these are edits of a base)

Also a Zenyatta

once upon a time
there was a robot
he got angry for no reason
so he decided to kill people
his mission
kill idk what

may make a short game with this guy

okay ill be honest you are BAD at circles

name him "size 1 line tool no anti-aliasing"

been trying to make breath of the wild music with link to the past sound fonts and i thought it deserved an album cover