Author Topic: Hey,I'm new.  (Read 5082 times)

he cannot be one of us until he passes the trials three...

Why the forget are you guys mentally handicapped???

Why the forget are you guys mentally handicapped???
What do you expect?  This is the Blockland Fourms.

nobody ever makes a 'im new topic'

I smell alt

nobody ever makes a 'im new topic'

I smell alt
Almost every loving person who has made a "I'm new" topic has been an alt, not to mention OP says he has lurked for a year.

Don't feed the trolls.
Don't talk with bad grammar (I'm learning still)
Show some respect
Don't be a jackass.


also you forgot "don't always post about yourself"
you do that a lot

Use spaces after your periods please.

Use spaces after your periods please.
We know hes not ABELBOTOX or,he would,be talking,like,this.

Hes not LT, or at least I'm pretty sure.  Just a hunch.

I still smell alt.

What do you expect?  This is the Blockland Fourms.
im not goof at fourms

We're as addictive as heroine.
You'll never be able to quit.
I think your Talking about Reddit

I think your Talking about Reddit


Get out well you can.

Also ALT!
We're as addictive as heroine.
You'll never be able to quit.
too true

Don't think he's an alt.