Author Topic: Voltrox-Class Freighter. ARES Application  (Read 2963 times)

thought I should try and join a decent clan again. So i figured what better one than ARES ;)

The Voltrox-class freighter was originally built to be a small cargo transport. It was lightly armed, so it usually was escorted by a more heavily armed ship, mainly because it was an easy target for space pirates.

criticism is welcome
rate 10/10 please :)


Pretty good but needs some shaping on top and bottom to make it less flat.


Waiting for tigls and viodix

7/10; i agree with conan


Pretty good but needs some shaping on top and bottom to make it less flat.
Yeah, i uploaded less new pictures, i have a com thing on the bottom and something on the top, but didnt have time to upload the newest pictures

really awkwardly shaped
like really weird

I don't know that you will get much cargo in there, but it's a nice concept. If you made it bigger I think it would look better in the middle section, which is really the only thing I have a problem with.

I thought ARES was dead? for like the hundredth time

Don't really know if i get a vote or not but if i do;

that shape is weird
but i love it.

Why do all spaceships look like giant-