Author Topic: Remove a letter from a game/movie title and write a synopsis about it.  (Read 9493 times)

"IcyGamma: Biography of a Venter" (

A venter named IcyGamma spends his life renovating air ducts and other forms of ventilation. Occasionally he gets angered by his boss and has to vent his feelings on his friends.

Max Pane

A store that maxes out of window panes. Very tragi-

Max Pane 3

A really big window pane

« Last Edit: May 15, 2012, 05:36:19 PM by Trogtor »

How It's Mad
A documentary of the science behind anger.

6 and Pregnant
Self-explanatory, highly controversial.

Jersey Hore (stylized for effect)
See above.

Ogod yes Man
Those are all perfect

Hal: Combat Evolved
A man named Hal on a quest to evolve the wonders of combat.
Hal 2
The second game in Hal's trilogy
Hal 3
The third game in Hal's trilogy where he finishes the fight (until Hal 4)
Hal and the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers explore the streets of New Mombasa.
Hal: Reach
Hal witnesses and fights in the battle of Reach

Kiing Floor

Play as Kiing a King that has a dirty floor! Use our innovative technology to order people to sweep the floor.

Kiing Floor- IT'S FREE

Unlock ability to order sweepers $3


A rip off of the xbox
Get it Eah? Eah?


See the show after Jamie is killed violently during a failed experiment, and Adam's sobbing throughout!


See the show after Jamie is killed violently during a failed experiment, and Adam's sobbing throughout!
There's still Tori, Grant and that other person.

There's still Tori, Grant and that other person.
They don't count. >:*( Besides, Tori is there for the Italian one-off humor, Grant is there to be the smart Asian, and the redhead is there for her body.

Reply Gils.

A series of videos of taped goldfish in reply to viral videos.


The latest and greatest iPhone game!
Use your camera to aim and take pictures of awesome celebrities! The better the picture, the more you score!


The new hit in real time strategy! You fight your way through planets filled with lots of black mess.


a group of four men use their high tech hostbusting guns to capture ghosts of game show hosts

Me in Black

A fashion game where you get to show off your darker side...