Author Topic: Westboro Church - Most hated family in America  (Read 7735 times)

They're supertrolls. That's why I don't give them my attention.

but gay people are gross
Got any other offensive opinions because I'm biloveual :/

Got any other offensive opinions because I'm biloveual :/
it is unnatural and disgusting

it is unnatural and disgusting

Homoloveuality has been seen in wild animals (chimps, wild dogs, etc) for years. Even whales. Whales!

If you don't have an opinion that wants to be heard then don't post it at all.

I like how this thread has turned out. It goes from a dispicable religious group to a discussion on homoloveuality.

Derailed on page one. Nice.

Homoloveuality has been seen in wild animals (chimps, wild dogs, etc) for years. Even whales. Whales!

If you don't have an opinion that wants to be heard then don't post it at all.
In my opinion homoloveuality is some sort of mental defect.
Nothing natural comes out of it. There is simply no point.
Doesn't produce children, which is the only reason animals forget.
Though as long as they keep it to themselves, I have no problem with gays.

People should just leave them be and eventually they will get bored.

I'm pretty sure no organism was created for the purpose of having same-love intercourse, nor do I think the action was intended to be a part of any organism's behavior or life.

implying any organism was created for a purpose
implying any organism was intended for something

implying any organism was created for a purpose
implying any organism was intended for something
to be fair most organisms' goal is to reproduce
i'm not against gays though we have plenty of babbies running around already

In my opinion homoloveuality is some sort of mental defect.
Nothing natural comes out of it. There is simply no point.
Doesn't produce children, which is the only reason animals forget.
Though as long as they keep it to themselves, I have no problem with gays.
Why are these the only arguments anybody can come up with against homoloveuality?
If anything, you're unnatural for disliking something that is natural.

In my opinion homoloveuality is some sort of mental defect.
Nothing natural comes out of it. There is simply no point.
Doesn't produce children, which is the only reason animals forget.
Though as long as they keep it to themselves, I have no problem with gays.
lol. "Defects" don't span the entire animal kingdom, nimrod. It's like having brown hair, or blue eyes, or being left-handed.

Having homoloveuality and biloveuality is a sign of higher intelligence within a species.

I already addressed something similar to this
my view on homoloveuals was practically neutral, but then two years ago there are a couple of cigaretteots at my school, they offended heteroloveuals, and me because I apparently looked like justin beiber and they'd 'like ta forget me.' they were probably jackasses because they were bullied by others but it is what it is

Once I was robbed by a black guy so now I'm tribal lol.