Author Topic: Westboro Church - Most hated family in America  (Read 7721 times)

There are several unmoral acts God commits in the bible.

Yeah... because of what I said before. If the bible was made by god, you would see a huge difference.

2 Kings 2:23-24
God kills 42 children for calling a man bald

Alright, I'm sure. I have my Bible next to me, brb looking up.

Haha, okay. Do tell.

Know the story of Noah's Ark?

God kills earth's human population aside from one family and two of each animal

which means every animal and person is hilariously inbred

i wonder which bible out of the many many different versions is considered the "correct version"

i wonder which bible out of the many many different versions is considered the "correct version"

The misprinted one where it said adultery was good

look it up

i wonder which bible out of the many many different versions is considered the "correct version"


god promotes polygamy on dozens of occasions. even rewarding a faithful man by GIVING him a second wife.
yet today christians are taught to marry singular, that otherwise would be sinful.

stupid $heep lol.

All the stuff you said is made up bullcrap. You're the one trying to start stuff here.

Also, how am I being butthurt?
Because back in my day when i was forced to go to church. They had gone over passages how committing loveual acts was a sin weather it be man and man woman and woman or man and woman. Reproducing is also a sin. They go on about it in the bible how population needed to be controlled and to control it you weren't allowed to commit the loveual acts to cause it, READING IT FROM THE BIBLE. derp de derp derp. It was written in one of the thousand versions. If i didnt know stuff about the topic i wouldn't have brought it up -.- Christ i'm not that stupid.

Okay, you do that.
"In that culture mocking a persons representative was the same as mocking the person being represented. So by mocking and attacking God's prophet it was a form of Blasphemy which calls for the death penalty according to Torah. Without getting into all the specifics that is it in a nutshell."

Why the kids were killed. Justice was done.

Know the story of Noah's Ark?

God kills earth's human population aside from one family and two of each animal

which means every animal and person is hilariously inbred

The population needed to be cleansed.

"In that culture mocking a persons representative was the same as mocking the person being represented. So by mocking and attacking God's prophet it was a form of Blasphemy which calls for the death penalty according to Torah. Without getting into all the specifics that is it in a nutshell."

Why the kids were killed. Justice was done.

The population needed to be cleansed.
You think its okay for children to be killed for calling a man bald?
If that was practiced today, you would be outraged.

did you know animals sometimes display homoloveual behaviour?
Thought you might want to know that, Zloff.
(Everyone clicks the love link in that page)

The population needed to be cleansed.
Cleansed of what?

Cleansed of what?
But sadly our world is so much worse than that one, so expect a new flood soon.